NOW – Obama: "Despite the fact that we have now essentially clinically tested the vaccine on billions of people worldwide. Around 1 in 5 Americans is still going to put themselves at risk… rather than get vaccinated."
— (@disclosetv) April 21, 2022
It’s 2022, and Barack Obama is running for a third term in the midterms because the Democrats were too selfish, retarded, and incompetent to displace Bernie Sanders in the primaries with anyone other than a senile scam artist.
But should Obama be selling the idea that people who took the safe and effective coronavirus vaccine (which does not work) were test subjects in a genetic engineering experiment?
I don’t know, but it probably doesn’t even matter.
The election fraud in 2020 was utterly absurd, where they shut down the count at 3 AM in all of these swing states and then literally brought in boxes of ballots on trucks, while boarding up the windows.

Surely, they can do a better job this year?
And if not, who cares? The GOP is more fanatical about war with Russia than the Democrats even – and they’re also pro-vax and pro child anal.
America is a joke country, and like the people before Noah’s flood or the denizens of Sodom, they deserve everything they are going to get.
— AMIRAN313 (@amiran313) April 21, 2022
I thought the fact that those who got the vaccine were “test subjects” was a conspiracy theory…
— The Optimistic Realist™ (@milesgrimes) April 21, 2022
So that’s how we clinically test things now, just give it to everyone and see what happens?
I’m sure this clip wont be used in future antivax stuff…
— SarahJRandom (@SJRandom2) April 21, 2022
So Barry and I agree on something, this was a mass experiment on humanity.
— PT (@PKThomahawk) April 21, 2022
Our bodies, our choice
— 🌸Digi Gal (@DigitalGal_) April 21, 2022
Can’t call it a vaccine if it hasn’t cured anything.
— Chriizto (@chriiizto) April 21, 2022
so he basically just admitted that the vaccinated are the test subjects 😂
— 🚛 Mass Formation PsyBROsis 🚛 (@JakeGlidden1) April 21, 2022
Holy shit! He just said they tested on people. Meaning they didn’t know what was going to happen, and still don’t know what the affects will be in the future. Misinformation is not keeping me from get the vaccine, the truth is!
— LiLu (@LiLu171022) April 21, 2022
— M.H3f9 (@uncivilized_909) April 21, 2022