Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 2, 2016
Note: I originally wrote this as part of my article on Jon Holmes getting fired for being a White male, but have decided it should be posted solo.
This part here is very important, so pay attention. I need to write a whole definitive article about it, with full citations and quotes and such, but somehow I rarely get around to these things, so I’m just going to say it now (I would have more time for this if I had more writers – consider donating to help fund this).
Maybe someone else can write a piece fleshing this out in more detail (Murray, I’m looking in your direction, buddy).
The liberals and Jews cite the Founding Fathers’ statement that “all men are created equal” as meaning that Marxism is real, and we have to have Black Presidents and mass Islamic immigration.
I have even heard pseudo-intellectual edgelords on the Alt-Right claim that Thomas Jefferson was an egalitarian Marxist.
There is of course the obvious fact that all of the Founding Fathers owned slaves, so they clearly didn’t believe Blacks to be “people.” But, even if they were only applying a Marxist policy to White men, it would still be problematic.
Here’s the thing though: what they were talking about is “equality under the law.” That is, that everyone in society is held to the same standard legally, regardless of their family lineage or wealth. It has nothing to do with “everyone is exactly the same” type thinking.
Equality under the law defends meritocracy by serving as a shield against nepotism.
Rightly or wrongly (I think rightly), they viewed the European system of nobility, which gave special legal privileges to the ruling class, as dysgenic, in that it was allowing a bloodline to continue to rule regardless of the quality of the rulership, based on the accomplishments of their ancestors. That is the context of “all men are created equal.”
Their idea was that if you have full equality under the law, social mobility would allow the best and brightest to rise to the top, and that this would create a better, more productive society. And given the history of America, they seem to have been correct. It did not take very long at all for America to become significantly more productive than Europe and the old order.
This having been said, the system of modern capitalism which was introduced by Jews during the industrial revolution, combined with the death of Christianity at the hands of the Jews, has ultimately created very serious problems with the social mobility ladder. Basically under the current system, the top of society is determined by those most successful in ripping people off to amass shekels.
Beyond this, technological developments which have necessitated centralization have led to a breakdown of the concept of the free market as it was envisioned 250 years ago.
So we do certainly need to tweak things. But this does not mean that “America was founded on Marxist lies.” Quite the opposite. America was founded on the promotion of meritocracy and positive eugenics.