Weimerica: Elderly Woman Flashes Crowd at Baseball Game

Eric Striker
Daily Stormer
July 11, 2017

The goal of the sexual revolution is to unravel the Authoritarian Personality in order to make the subject more insecure and suggestible. If a woman in her 70s can’t resist flashing her chest to thousands of people in a baseball stadium, how can you expect anyone to have the will to save our civilization?

Here we have quintessential Weimerica: in-your-face sexuality from unsexy people. A shucking and jiving grandma showing you her titties might be funny to some in the moment, but as the Worst Generation Ever (Baby Boomers) continues to age, this stuff taxes our wilting society. Studies show extra-marital affairs are declining among those 18-55, but actually increasing among the elderly.

The mass media is naturally lauding this lady and making her a celebrity via Associated Press wire bomb. That means they want to see more of it.


An elderly woman shown dancing on the videoboard between innings at Dodger Stadium proceeded to flash the crowd.

Fans egged on her daring dance moves and perhaps emboldened by their cheers, the smiling woman quickly lifted her blue shirt, revealing a white bra underneath in the seventh inning on Saturday night. The camera cut away, but it wasn’t in time. There was a collective gasp from the crowd of 45,225, many of whom began laughing.

The white-haired woman wearing a Dodgers visor had been shown on the videoboard earlier in the game.

I get it – they’re old but not dead.

But if your grandparents are still behaving like they’re 17 and at Warped Tour, where do we look for a template? The West is a ship sailing towards an iceberg, and the Captain’s passing out in the crow’s nest smoking weed and blasting Notorious BIG.

If the elderly are no longer sources of wisdom and stewardship, a country is on its last legs. Deference to the insight of the elderly is one of the few universal ethics. So if this role is left vacant, who fills it? Definitely not people with good intentions.

Now’s the time for revolutionary intervention. Now or never, because if we don’t make a stand as the last granules of sand fall through there will be no tomorrow.