Western Bitches Take Practice Run for When Sharia Law is Instated

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
February 2, 2018

Yesterday was World Hijab Day.


Unbeknown to almost everybody until today, February 1st is apparently World Hijab Day. This is one of the latest creations of the liberal feminist swamp and has its very own hashtag: #StrongInHijab

As usual, this is a day which gives rise to the most sickening displays of virtue signalling. Privileged middle-class Western feminists are lining up to display their multicultural credentials by donning a hijab as a fashionable symbol of liberation. They are willfully ignorant of the brave women in Iran and other places in the Middle East where women are literally risking their lives to remove the hijab. To them it a hated symbol of oppression. The Iranian regime has decreed it compulsory for a woman to cover every part of their body apart from their face, and wearing a hijab is thus compulsory.

Soon we won’t need a single day to celebrate hijabs though. It’ll be World Hijab Day every single day of the year.

Have you noticed how feminists have actually started wearing artsy hijabs in solidarity with Muslims or whatever?

I have. They use it to cover up their frizzy hair and fat faces.

But I’ve noticed a thing or two in my life about these ridiculous hos. These bitches wouldn’t even share a table with the ugly chick in high school, and now they’re acting all compassionate?

No. That’s not what’s going on here. This isn’t misplaced compassion. This is virtue-signaling AND a freudian cry for domination.

tbh fugly, fat and old women SHOULD be forced to cover up by law

…also there is a legit element of chicks just liking to accessorize and not understanding a god-damn thing about what hijabs really are all about.

Breitbart, by the way, is getting better with its analysis, but its still not quite there. They remain completely oblivious to the true causes of what’s going on here. But they make a valiant attempt:

The behaviour and pronouncements of Western feminists have become increasingly bizarre. They have complete freedom already but use their freedom to don a symbol of oppression which Middle Eastern women long to remove. They are locked in their own bubble proclaiming the wonders of being able to wear what they want – a hijab, maybe a niqab, or even burqa — but say absolutely nothing about women in Muslim countries who are denied the choice of wearing jeans or skirts or showing their hair. They even stay silent when young girls are forced to cover their hair, a disturbing practice which even in strict Islam is not required for girls who have not reached puberty.

It starts out well, but fails to point out that women should have some controls put on their behavior.

Hell, they’re practically begging for it with this hijab stuff.

These bitches want sharia law to put them into place…but they’re going to get WHITE Sharia before all is said and done.