The West has been conquered.
We are going to rise – I promise you that – but the coronavirus hoax showed that on the whole, the current population does not have any fight left in them. The population, as a whole, surrendered all of their rights to the government, and allowed the government to transfer all of their wealth to the ruling elite, when the government pointed at the flu and said “trust us.”
(For the record, I want to say that there would be no reality in which I would accept surrendering all of our rights to the government. If this virus really was something more than the flu, I would still say that the people must have the freedom to make their own decisions about their own lives, and it is never the right of the government to protect grown adults from their own choices.)
What we’ve seen in 2020 is a rush to get the rest of the world on board with the agenda, now that there is no real resistance from white Christians.
We are seeing that most nations are folding rapidly. I’m frankly shocked that the Moslem world has just completely rolled over, and is now allowing feminism, homosexuality, Jews, the whole deal.
China is going to be much more difficult, of course, because the West doesn’t have control over China. They have to first get control before they can even begin turning the people to the globalist agenda.
They do, however, have control over Japan, which has been occupied by the US military since the end of World War II. Yet, they have not yet flipped them to the agenda.
That process has begun now, where it always begins: with feminism.
A rural Japanese town voted its sole female councillor out of her seat after she accused its mayor of sexual assault. The public referendum over whether she had damaged the town’s reputation highlighted the backlash against women who come forward with allegations of sexual abuse.
The referendum on December 6 marked a stunning defeat for the first and only female member of Kusatsu’s town council.
With 2,542 votes for and 208 against, more than 90% of participants voted to recall councilwoman Shoko Arai for ‘’damaging the town’s reputation” after she alleged that the most powerful local politician had sexually assaulted her.
The unprecedented recall in a small town of 6,200 inhabitants, famous for its hot springs, drew national attention.
Women’s rights activists said it served as an example of how women who come forward with allegations of sexual abuse are generally treated in Japan.
Others voiced concern over how the mayor and other council members orchestrated the recall – a democratic tool meant for holding elected officials to account for wrongdoing.
The event was also a reminder of the paucity of female representation in Japanese politics. The country ranks 121st out of 153 countries in the World Economic Forum’s latest Global Gender Gap Report.
Japan is also the single least diverse nation in the developed world, with 98% of residents being ethnically Japanese (the non-Japanese are primarily Koreans, along with a few weird whites).
And yet, it ranks 8th on the list of highest median wealth.
This utterly disproves the Jewish claim – which was obviously false on the face of it, without needing to look at data – that “diversity” (read: women and brown people) leads to “strength.”
Both sides claim victimhood
The dispute started late last year, after Arai, 51, said in an e-book that the town’s mayor, Nobutada Kuroiwa, had forced her to have sex in his office back in 2015.
She later explained that she did not report the assault to the police at the time because she feared a backlash, but then decided to speak out to defend other women ‘’who were treated like objects” and often shamed into submission.
Kuroiwa, 73, denied the claim, and accused her of trying to tarnish his name for political reasons. He filed a criminal complaint and a civil lawsuit for defamation. In Japan, a person can be prosecuted if they defame another by alleging facts in public, regardless of whether such facts are true or false (Criminal Code Article 230-1).
The mayor, who presides over the town council, then took the issue to the assembly, urging Arai to provide evidence.
During one session, he presented an enlarged photo of his office and pressed her to recount exactly how the alleged assault took place. Arai refused.
The council then voted to expel the councillor for ‘’degrading’’ the assembly. When that decision was overturned by prefectural authorities, Kuroiwa and his allies gathered enough signatures to hold a recall election on Arai’s position and waged a fierce campaign for a ‘’yes’’ vote.
‘Second rape’
Arai’s supporters and women’s rights activists said the way the town’s politicians labelled her a liar and relentlessly tried to discredit her amounted to a “second rape”.
The town council posted videos of some assembly sessions online showing how Arai, citing ongoing legal procedures, refused to provide evidence her colleagues demanded.
In the weeks leading up to the vote, dozens of posters accusing her of harming the town’s reputation “through her words and deeds” popped up around the town, including at bus stops, hotels and public car parks.
Writer Minori Kitahara, who observed one of the Kusatsu assembly meetings, said: ‘’Even if the mayor didn’t commit the alleged crime, the assembly itself was full of sexual violence and misogyny.’’
It is rare in Japan for victims of sexual assault to come forward with their stories. A 2017 government survey showed only 2.8% of female rape victims sought help from the police while 59% said they did not tell anyone.
According to the UN, one in three women around the world has experienced physical or sexual violence at one point in their lives but fewer than 40% sought help. Of those, only 10% went to the police.
The low figures in Japan may be attributed in part to high legal hurdles. Under Japanese law, the burden of proof in sexual violence cases lies with the victim. Societal pressure to avoid embarrassment for oneself and others, as well as widespread victim-blaming, also make it difficult for victims to speak out.
Kusatsu’s mayor defended his efforts to oust the councillor, saying her story is ‘’100% a lie and fabrication”.
He told FRANCE 24 that while judicial investigations had yet to conclude, a recall vote was necessary ‘’to stop her from continuing to spread falsehood around the world’’.
“It wasn’t my personal reputation that was at stake,” Kuroiwa said. “She was damaging the image of Kusatsu. 92.4% of the voters rejected her. It shows how much she has angered the town’s residents.”
Arai stands by her allegation. In an emailed statement, she said the referendum was unfair and suggested that the voters were under pressure to back the mayor and other councillors, who are also influential businessmen.
‘’This campaign was spearheaded by the people in power,” she said. “It goes against the principle of a recall, which is meant as a way for ordinary citizens to say whether a politician is unfit for office.’’
So the situation is that this woman has made a claim of sexual abuse and provided no evidence. She then went around making a mess and causing trouble. Rightly, the people view her as the villain. But the Western media does not approve, and they are demanding the Japs bow to them.
The media is attempting to make this ugly, old woman a cause celebre, using international pressure to change Japanese culture.
The belief of the Western establishment is that a woman’s word is proof in itself. They effectively say that women are so morally superior to men, that a woman has the ability to condemn a man based on nothing other than her words.
The mantra has become “believe women,” which is to say that they should not require evidence of a crime if they are accusing a man.
As we saw with the Harvey Weinstein case, this belief, which has been promoted by feminists for decades, is now enshrined in law: a man can now be sent to decades in prison, based on nothing other than a woman’s word.
- “A New Day”: Following Weinstein Lynching, Jew Lawyers Hail Coming Mass Rape Hoax Movement
- Consent Theory on Steroids: Harvey Weinstein Sentenced to TWENTY-THREE YEARS IN PRISON
- Top Sex Hoax Lawyer Says Weinstein Sentence Hails “A New Era” of Men Getting Sent to Prison
- Neo-Nazi White Knights Go All in on Defending the Honor of Women Who had Sex with Harvey Weinstein
- Neo-Nazi Leader Intensifies Feminist Rape-Hoax Agenda, Says Anglin Loves Weinstein
That is obviously the model they want to impose on the world. Of course, they can selectively decide to let certain men who serve the establishment off the hook.
(New York Governor Andrew Cuomo was recently accused of “sexually harassing” an employee by making her feel bad by telling her to dress better. Based on the Weinstein precedent, it is the woman’s experience that must be judged, and if the woman feels that a man sexually abused her [or claims to feel that way, obviously you cannot monitor her emotions], the man is guilty. Using the Weinstein precedent, Andrew Cuomo could be sentenced to prison for making this woman feel bad. However, it is unlikely he will face such punishment, given his important role in this system.)
Every detail of this must be accepted by all of the nations of the world, in accordance with the will of the Jewish people who rule the nations of the world.
Furthermore, feminism is the inroad to everything else. As we’ve seen in Saudi Arabia, their first step on their rapid adoption of Western norms was to allow women to drive. They are now in the process of normalizing homosexuality.
Japan should resist this pressure and they will resist this pressure, but it ultimately doesn’t matter. They were conquered in 1945, and they will be forced to do what the Jews want them to do.