When Whites Move into Paki Neighborhoods It’s Not “Diversity” – It’s “Gentrification”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 25, 2015

Sitala Peek - I wonder where she's from?
Sitala Peek – I wonder where she’s from?

Due to being forced to pay for millions upon millions of immigrants and work low-paying job to serve rich Arab monkeys, many Whites are being forced out of central London into poor Paki neighborhoods.

If you needed any more proof that “diversity” is a code word for “White genocide,” just look at the way the BBC deals with this.

The Bangladeshi community that made Brick Lane famous for its curries is at risk of being torn apart. But while gentrification is usually blamed on the forces of capitalism, in this case the driving force is a charity.

Social landlord EastendHomes has drawn up plans to demolish the ex-council estate, replacing it with modern flats, most of which it plans to sell for profit on the private market.

It says the proceeds would fund refurbishment of its other social housing stock and help it to provide affordable housing for local people.

However, there is a human price to pay.

Most of the 600 residents, tenants and leaseholders fear they will have little choice but to leave. They say it will be too expensive to either buy or rent homes in this now desirable area and their decades-old community faces fragmentation.

At a meeting on 8 April residents say they were told by an EastendHomes officer their flats were “unfit for human habitation”.

Yeah, because the Pakis turned it into the third world, like third worlders turn everything into the third world. It is “unfit for human habitation,” but perfectly fit for Paki habitation, I’m quite sure.

Pakistani habitation
Pakistani habitation

What are these White people forced out of the center supposed to do? Move to Spain?

Walking tours visit the estate at least three or four times a day and tourists snap hundreds of photos of the homes where the “real Eastenders live”. But for how long will this corner of the East End remain authentic?

“Real Eastenders”? “Remain authentic”?

Bitch, this is where Jack London wrote “The People of the Abyss.” About the “real Eastenders.”

Charles Dickens wrote half his books about “real Eastenders.”

Ben Jonson was writing about the “real Eastenders” in the Isle of Dogs in the 16th century.

Geoffrey Chaucer’s “” was written about “real Eastenders” in 1390.

None of the people featured in these works were Pakis.

I'm having a hard time reading this.  Is that Urdu?
I’m having a hard time reading this. Is that Urdu?

These Pakis aren’t even from this continent. Meaning their presence in the East End of London is the definition of artificiality.

Who is kidding who here?

“Younger Bangladeshis who grew up around Spitalfields have moved out because they now have families of their own and they can’t afford to rent, let alone buy anywhere around here,” says Mr Ahmed.

“A lot of the established restaurants in Brick Lane have closed down too because of the high rates.

“It was Bangladeshis that made Brick Lane famous but soon it won’t be Brick Lane anymore if they keep moving out.”

Why you stupid, filthy monkey. It’s Whitechapel Lane. And Oscar Wilde made the place famous picking up hookers there in the 1870s.

King John built his hunting lodge on that very soil.

King John: Not a real Londoner.  A total poser.  London is a Paki city.
King John: Not a real Londoner. A total poser. London is a Paki city.

You know nothing of the sacred ground upon which you squat, Paki.

Not everyone is willing to move though.

Retired machinist Abdul Noor purchased his four-bedroom ex-council flat in the 1990s for about £300,000 under the right to buy scheme. He says he thought of it as his “home for life”.

“We look out for each other here. Help out when we need to,” he says.

“I went away on pilgrimage for two weeks and my neighbour agreed to look after my children for me. Where else would that happen?”

In Pakistan, you sickening, unevolved ingrate! Why are you here!? What right to you have?!

“London is disappearing, it is losing its identity,” says Crisis homeless charity worker Yolanda de los Buies, who has lived in Brune House, on the Holland Estate, for 18 years.

She says about 15 years ago Spitalfields used to have the highest density of artists anywhere in Europe but that has all changed now.

“Art and culture and community is being flattened by money making machines,” she says. “London is becoming a luxury business and commuter city without soul.

“Rich people bring money but they don’t bring anything else with them – no art, no culture, no community spirit.”

Well, that’s fair enough. But how on earth does this relate to Pakis?

Oh, yeah – it’s the Pakis who are causing this to happen! But the Paki BBC writer tags this on the end of her mourning piece to act as though Pakis are authentic London culture!

All of these people need to gtfo!

Just look at the way they dare frame this – when they come to our neighborhoods and turn it into Pakistan, it is “diversity.”  But the whole concept of this article is that when we go to “their neighborhoods” (stolen from us) it is some type of a Holocaust.

Is anyone still buying this tripe?