White Boomer Critically Injured After Jumping on His SUV to Stop Blacks from Carjacking It

In the YouTube comments, one poster says: “It’s not worth your life. Just let them take the car. If you die who will be left to protect your wife and daughter.”

Clearly, this person does not understand the mentality of the boomer.

Boomers worship material possessions, especially status symbols like cars. For them, seeing two people – who just happen to be black – stealing their precious SUV is like seeing their child being kidnapped (except worse).

So of course they’re going to risk death or brain damage to save it.

New York Post:

Shocking video shows a New Jersey man being taken on a wild ride as he clings to the hood of his SUV in an attempt to prevent a couple of teens from stealing the vehicle — but is critically injured when he is thrown off.

The carjackers, ages 19 and 17, walked through an unlocked back door of the home of James Dillon, 59, in Belleville, where they snatched a set of car keys, according to News 12 New Jersey.

Dillon and his wife sprang into action to keep the teens from taking off in their silver Lincoln SUV on Tuesday morning.

“The wife put a garbage can behind the car to try to prevent it, while the husband tried to remove them from the car,” Belleville police Lt. John McAloon said.

But when that didn’t work, Dillon threw caution to the wind and hopped onto the hood, holding on for dear life for about two miles before finally falling off.

His daughter Angela said he was hospitalized with broken ribs, a broken collarbone and bleeding in his brain.

The stolen vehicle eventually crashed on South 11th Street in Newark and the two suspects were arrested after a short foot chase by cops, according to the news outlet.

Lorenzo Esiahs, 19, faces a charge of attempted murder, officials said. The 17-year-old has not been named due to his age and it was unclear if he was charged.

Lorenzo Esiahs.

A Belleville police sergeant said he understood that people might want to protect their hard-earned possessions, but that such extreme measures are unwise.

“I guess emotions were involved and it’s not recommended. I wouldn’t recommend jumping on a moving vehicle,” the sergeant told reporters.

James Dillon with daughter.