White Guy Sucker-Punched by Black While Explaining He Isn’t Racist

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 30, 2014

Here, a skinny, faggoty White guy gets sucker-punched by a big ol gentle giant for having apparently jokingly used the word “nigga” – a word that Blacks use constantly – before the clip started.

The niggers explain to him that a White man using the word “nigga” is racist, and he is then attacked for his evil act of oppression against them.

Maybe this guy learned his lesson and shaved his head and hit the gym and is now a hardcore skinhead who roams the streets ensuring that this type of thing doesn’t happened to others like him.

The film Romper Stomper, based on the life of Alt-Right blogger Colin Liddell, is an inspiration to many Whites who are sick of getting sucker-punched.
The film Romper Stomper, based on the life of Alt-Right blogger Colin Liddell, is an inspiration to many Whites who are sick of getting sucker-punched.


Video was banned from YT for violating the community.  It isn’t clear why.

Should would be nice if Mike Delaney could get TruTube working again, wouldn’t it?
