White Reporter in St. Louis Fired for Daring to Joke About Michael Brown, the Would-Be Black Cop Killer

Stuff Black People Don’t Like
August 6, 2016

What was it we said about free speech not getting any freer? Another white American just found out in the age of the Black Lives Matter Inquisition (BLMI) what it means to be a heretic. [St. Louis Reporter Loses Job After Sick Michael Brown Joke: Reporter Bobby Hughes went on Facebook to talk about Lezley McSpadden’s “new lead diet.”, The Root, July 30, 2016]:

In more news of just how sick American racism is and, further, how it permeates every single aspect of American life, a St. Louis TV reporter got the boot after he posted a crass “lead diet” joke on Facebook around the shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown.

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Heretic!!! Burn him at the stake!!

According to reports, after it was announced that Brown’s mother, Lezley McSpadden, was invited to appear at the Democratic National Convention, reporter Bobby Hughes joked on a July 22 Facebook post that McSpadden would “talk about the new lead diet she’s endorsed. Five servings and you can lose 200 lbs in two years easily,” the St. Louis American reports.

Hughes was responding to a post by a cop, Lt. Jerry Foster, who wrote, “Why not let them speak. It is the Democratic Criminal Party. How fitting.”

The statement drew immediate backlash: Black police officers in the area through the organization, the Ethical Society of Police, immediately called for Hughes’ dismissal, and Friday morning, the Fox affiliate’s black employees were planning an “emergency meeting” with the station’s general manager, according to the St. Louis American.

By Friday afternoon, a KTVI spokeswoman confirmed that Hughes no longer worked for the station.

Hughes later apologized to the black police society for his comments, as well as to the lawyer of Michael Brown’s family, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports.

Michael Brown was fatally shot by white Officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Mo., in August 2014, sparking what is now termed the Black Lives Matter movement.

Brown’s mother did, in fact, appear as part of “Mothers of the Movement” onstage at the Democratic Convention in Philadelphia on Tuesday night but did not speak.

The Ethical Society of Police is an organization dedicated solely to advancing the interests of only black police officers?


We now know a black police organization will side with the memory of a would-be black cop killer (remember, Michael Brown tried to kill white Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson) over a simple joke.
