White States are the Most Peaceful

Stuff Black People Don’t Like
December 5, 2013

Maine: The most peaceful state because of ....?
Maine: The most peaceful state because of ….?

Peace has a color. Robert Putnam knew this and he sat on his study on the negative aspects of diversity for almost a decade. Larry Auster correctly pointed out that the news of a Peace Index study ranking Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire as the most peaceful in the union censored the racial aspect of the story (all are 98 percent or greater white). Yahoo.com’s story on the subject failed to note the racial implications of the states with lowest rankings for peace, as all have significant non-white populations (some have the highest percentage of Blacks in America):

“The USPI report reveals that peace in the United States has improved since 1995 primarily driven by a substantial decrease in homicide and violent crime,” the IEP says on its website, adding that “peace is significantly correlated with factors related to economic opportunity, education and health.”

The group lists the ten most peaceful states in order as: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Minnesota, North Dakota, Utah, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Iowa, and Washington. And here are the least (also in order, with Louisiana leading the unrest): Louisiana, Tennessee, Nevada, Florida, Alabama, Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Maryland.

The Black population of the United States is moving back to the South. One can only guess that those states losing Black population will move higher up on the Peace Index chart and those gaining Black population will move lower.

Here is a breakdown of the percentage of the Black population by state.

This USA Today article on Maine tries to attack the state as not growing because of a lack of immigrants; states that do attract immigrants find themselves turning into replicas of those immigrants native lands because the native-born residents leave.

“White flight” transpires because white families find the Black (and increasingly Brown) Undertow untenable to be around. “We do it for schools,” these parents say, when in fact the move from an increasingly diverse city to a Whitopia is done with the implicit intent of being around other white people.

Just look at Walletpop.com to see the worst cities and worst neighborhoods for crime in America. Low property value is tied to horrible school systems; horrible school systems are a direct result of horrible student performance.

Conversely, high property value has a direct correlation to excellent school systems. The whiter a school system is, the higher the property value, while the school system with a greater percentage of Black or Brown students is an obvious indicator of lower property value.

If Black parents (no matter what TV shows and commercials might tell you, this is an increasingly abnormality in the Black community) want their children to succeed, they should move to a Whitopia and let their child be the Token Black.

Sadly, Blacks are moving to the suburbs of major cities in numbers that swamp the Whitopia and drive down the property value at rates that render the school system untenable for the remaining white people. Just look at Clayton County and Gwinnett County outside of Atlanta; both flipped in a matter of a decade from thriving communities and are now riddled with incurable problems. Atlanta, Birmingham, and Detroit will all see suburbs that once boasted  the top school districts turn into academically arid wastelands.

When you look at the data for the entire nation, Black-white segregation has ostensibly reached new historic lows. Still, those rates of segregation were so high that the only way they could go was toward higher rates of integration. Just look at the Flicker maps of major city racial patterns of residential living to understand the situation of segregation.

To counter the absurd notions of America being a post-racial nation, Salon published this list of the 10 most segregated cities in the US with a population of more than 500,000.

From 10 – 1, they include LA, Philadelphia, Cincinnati, St. Louis, Buffalo, Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago, New York and, finally, Milwaukee. It should be noted that many of the Most Dangerous Neighborhoods in America (according to Zillow.com) are located in the heaviest Black areas of these cities.

Salon tells us:

That reality has been reinforced by the release of Census Bureau data last week that shows black and white Americans still tend to live in their own neighborhoods, often far apart from each other. Segregation itself, the decennial census report indicates, is only decreasing slowly, although the dividing lines are shifting as middle-income blacks, Latinos and Asians move to once all-white suburbs — whereupon whites often move away, turning older suburbs into new, if less distressed, ghettos.

We may think of segregation as a matter of ancient Southern history: lunch counter sit-ins, bus boycotts and Ku Klux Klan terrorism. But as the census numbers remind us, Northern cities have long had higher rates of segregation than in the South, where strict Jim Crow laws kept blacks closer to whites, but separate from them. Where you live has a big impact on the education you receive, the safety on your streets, and the social networks you can leverage.

Blacks who took part in the “great migration” from the South in the early 1900s would be shocked to know that their ancestors are returning from whence they came. Salon fails to tell you that all-white suburbs are some of the most peaceful and tranquil places on earth, and it is only when those cities shift in the racial population that high levels of crime follow.

It’s not where you live, it’s who you live around that has a big impact on the education you receive, the safety on your streets and the social networks you can leverage. If you live around Black people, say in Prince George’s County, chances are you will get a bad education and have a greater chance of being a victim of crime then someone who lives in Forsyth County, Georgia, where the crime is low and the schools are fantastic.

Historically, white people in South have lived around the highest concentration of Black people the longest. Stereotypes formed from these encounters that white people in Maine, Wyoming, Vermont, Minnesota, Washington, Oregon and Montana could never understand.

White Southerners have long been called “rednecks” and “racists” and holding “backwards” views on race that good Stuff White People Like (SWPL) white people and Disingenuous White Liberals (DWLs) find revolting. Yet DWLs and SWPL white people live in some of the whitest cities (Portland, Seattle, Boulder, Austin, New York City, San Francisco, etc.) that are seeing massive drops in their Black populations.

The “great migration” of Blacks from the South brought Black culture to areas without many Black residents. After five or six generations, it’s hilarious to see that the cities with the highest levels of segregation as reported by Salon are all out of the deep South. More hilarious, Black are moving back to the South in record numbers, leaving behind prime residential areas in cities across the nation.

They move to the suburbs of Atlanta, Charlotte, Birmingham, meaning that white flight will require new cities being built farther from these metropolitan city centers. Rising gas prices negate this alternative for white flight.

A recent USA Today article discussed how Urban centers around the nation are attracting more young, college educated people (no mention of race):

In more than two-thirds of the nation’s 51 largest cities, the young, college-educated population in the past decade grew twice as fast within 3 miles of the urban center as in the rest of the metropolitan area — up an average 26% compared with 13% in other parts.
Even in Detroit, where the population shrank by 25% since 2000, downtown added 2,000 young and educated residents during that time, up 59% , according to analysis of Census data by Impresa Inc., an economic consulting firm.
“This is a real glimmer of hope,” says Carol Coletta, head of CEOs for Cities, a non-profit consortium of city leaders that commissioned the research. “Clearly, the next generation of Americans is looking for different kinds of lifestyles — walkable, art, culture, entertainment.”
In Cleveland, which lost 17% of its population, downtown added 1,300 college-educated people ages 25 to 34, up 49%.

I graduated college less than five years ago. In that time, I’ve lived in two of the nicest areas in the two of the cities in America. When you start to think about long-term trends and where to raise a family, education and a safe environment for upbringing are the two most important criteria.

One of my favorite films is Legends of the Fall and at the beginning of the film the Ludlow family moves to Wyoming to “lose the madness.”

Sure you can find peace by moving to an all-white suburb in the South, but this represents a short-term solution. Just look at Gwinnett County, once the top suburb in the nation to raise a family and now an unsafe ghetto.

It flipped in less than 15 years.

As OneSTDV pointed out, the talks in the media of the white population in the United States becoming a minority (and minorities becoming a majority) all paint a picture of inevitability. As the state of Arizona has shown, it takes but a few courageous state congressman and a governor with a backbone to defy what Black Run America (BRA) is after, namely the continued demoralization of the white majority.

Today, Alabama passed a similar law to Arizona’s immigration bill. An American population that regains its future by rejecting Black Run America (BRA) could in one month deport every illegal immigrant in this nation.

Black Run America (BRA) incapacitates white people from acting in their interests. Libertarian nut-jobs go on and on about the individual, but fail to realize that every other racial group actively works as a cohesive group against the interests of white Americans.

Because of the continued use of stories from America’s past presenting Black people as an eternal victim group at the hands of evil white racists, white people have been beaten into submitting to their own dispossession.

Few dare even oppose it.

To save what is left of the United States, a staunch opposition to Black Run America (BRA) must transpire. Only when white people stand up to BRA can every other problem be confronted. Conversely, once BRA is gone, the white guilt goes away too.

It’s that simple.

As the peace index study shows, peace has a color.

It’ ain’t Black. Heck, it’s not Brown either.