Why is Klaus Schwab a Comic Book Supervillain?

You see tweets like this from conservatives:

And you’re just like “oh please no, please… just stop, I’m begging you…”

But putting aside the conservative obsession with denouncing leftist globalists as Nazis instead of just denouncing them as leftists and globalists, Klaus Schwab really is a ridiculous figure. I’ve never met a German with that accent. He has a very weird face. He goes around in these space robes and gives these intentionally menacing speeches about how his group controls the world.

He’s like a comic book villain.

And to be clear, it’s not just the right-wing that is talking about this guy. The mainstream media brings him up all the time now, as some kind of democracy expert. The WEF is becoming a very public organization, presumably because they want people to know that this formerly semi-secret cabal is controlling the world openly.

It’s a weird decision to have a kind of Bond villain character as the head of the globalist cabal controlling the world. I mean, it’s not really his plan, specifically – he’s just a kind of figurehead for a whole bunch of different individuals and institutions.

Most of Schwab’s published materials, including the “COVID-19: The Great Reset” book, appear to have been written by Noah Harari, the Nazi Schwab’s homosexual Israeli Jew sidekick.

So why not use a woman, or some young handsome French guy like Macron or Trudeau, as a frontman for this organization? Why not use Barack Obama?

Schwab could just as easily remain “CEO” of the WEF but have some less odious and ominous individual be the “director,” and serve as the public face.

It’s almost like they want to drive conservatives up the wall with this “leftist globalists are actually secretly Nazis” stuff.