Why was Nick Fuentes Subpoenaed by Grimy Liz at the Same Time as Rat Casey?

Nick Fuentes takes a selfie with the as of yet unidentified “best dressed man in America.”

As you’re probably aware, Nick Fuentes, host of America First and future dictator of America, was subpoenaed by “Grimy” Liz Cheney to testify before her Sanhedrin headed by the terrorist Russian Jew Adam Schiff.

It isn’t especially surprising. Everyone who was there at the January 6 event is obviously getting subpoenaed, so it was only a matter of time.

Alex Jones earlier this week ranted about his performance in front of the committee. He said he was under oath so he just plead the Fifth on everything, but then wanted to tell the story on air, where he was not under oath.

That’s obviously what everyone is going to do. No one who hasn’t been charged yet committed any crimes (and a lot of people who didn’t commit any crimes have been charged with fake crimes).

It’s all just a game where they’re trying to get people to “lie to Congress” by misremembering something. The bigger game, of course, is just to put on a big show to act like some kind of terrible crime was committed.

What is interesting here is that Nick was subpoenaed not only at the same time but in the same Twitter announcement as the turncoat and traitor Patrick Casey. If you don’t know the details, it doesn’t really matter, but basically, after January 6, he went into total pussy bitch mode and started saying how Nick is irresponsible and publicly aired things that Nick had told him in confidence.

Casey had obviously been visited by the feds himself and was in freakout mode. You can have sympathy for a coward. I don’t really. What he did was unforgivable. I have no idea what went on in the background there, but he publicly denounced Nick and broke confidence. It was a complete betrayal. He disagreed with Nick on something, ostensibly, and he could have said that without breaking confidence and spreading rumors.

Casey did not have significant faith in God. You have to believe that if you do the right thing, God will protect you. You can never think about the consequences of doing the right thing. Ever. If you think about the consequences, then you are considering not doing the right thing. And that is something you should never consider. The right thing should be done without consideration of anything beyond “God will protect me.”

Obviously that doesn’t mean you act irresponsibly. Most decisions are not as black and white as “right” and “wrong,” so you should in general always be thinking about the consequences of MOST actions, as a rule. But “should I go on the air and denounce Nick as a way to ingratiate myself to the feds?” is not a morally ambiguous decision. It is the act of a fiend and a coward with NO FAITH.

I have said since the collapse of the Alt-Right, when the pressure came down hard: I have no interest in any nigga if he ain’t a ride or die nigga.

That’s why every time I meet someone on the right I say: “Run come see. What do we have here now? Do you want to ride or die?”

You have to be ready to die, period, or you need to just give up. In order to be ready to die, you have to have FAITH IN GOD. There is no other way to be ready to die. I don’t believe neo-Nazi gibberish about “my race is my religion” or “I am not a Christian and believe in Marvel comic book characters instead.” Those people will crack like Ritz crackers when the heat turns up. You have to have total faith in Jesus Christ, that he died on the cross for your sins, and that you will have life after death. If you don’t believe that, the feds are going to get to you. You are going to break.

Every day, you should picture your own death. You should imagine a slow motion image of a bullet tearing through your skull.

You should imagine that image, until you can picture it constantly, with a sense of total peace, knowing that the second those brains come out and your soul leaves your body, you are entering a journey toward the throne of Heaven, where you will give account.

You should feel confident you can give a good account. You’re going to have to talk about all those times you jacked off, and then you’re going to have to explain the good things you did. If you did your best, you’ve got nothing to worry about.

Wait, no – sorry. My image folder has a lazy labeling system.

I meant to post this one.

I learned my lesson in 2017 – never again will I place any ounce of trust in anyone who does not profess faith in Jesus Christ, and whose eyes I cannot look into and see the living spirit of God.

With Patrick Casey – I have no idea what his deal is, or was, but for some reason he made the decision to sell Nick down the river (or try to) in a public tantrum.

Here’s another fact of life: if you choose a leader, you follow that leader. You don’t question their decisions publicly, at least not any major decisions. You can have mild disagreements about this and that or whatever, but a leader is a leader, and you have to let them lead. You don’t just all of a sudden decide “oh well, I don’t agree with this and I’m scared so I’m going to have a public tantrum.”

But this is what Patrick Casey did.

So, what is going on with Patrick Casey? I don’t know. I don’t have any evidence of anything other than that he’s a turncoat and a coward who got all scared like a bitch because “OMG GUISE FBI IS DOING INVESTIGATION.”

I’ve been under investigation by the FBI for like, seven years, according to media reports. It’s not really a big deal. But even if it was a big deal, Casey’s behavior is inexcusable.

(To be clear, charges are a big deal. I’ve never been charged with anything because I’ve never done anything. This committee is a mild deal, because it could potentially lead to charges, but in Nick’s case, it probably won’t.)

I think it is suspicious that Patrick Casey is being called in alongside Nick, and I think it’s possible if not actually likely that Patrick Casey is a weak link, probably doesn’t have good lawyers, and they’re going to try to threaten him into saying things against Nick.

We already know he’s a coward, so that shouldn’t be very difficult.

That said, I don’t think that even if Casey did try to do something to Nick, that it would lead to anything other than a media spectacle. I don’t think charges will be brought against Nick because of something Patrick Casey said. The committee doesn’t have the ability to bring charges anyway, so Casey would have to give separate testimony to the FBI.

This also could be part of some kind of process to label America First (which is not a group) as a “group,” with a leadership structure, which would open them up to all sorts of other things (especially since Baked Alaska, vaguely associated with AF, did enter the Capitol).

Who knows? It’s probably nothing.

I’ve just been thinking about the weirdness of issuing the two names together in that tweet, and the possible implications.

I think Nick will be fine.

But don’t forget to pray for him.