Wild Negroes Rape and Murder South African Student

Another day in South Africa, another beautiful White woman murdered at the peak of her fertility.

This time, the chimps of color decided to carjack her and her male friend, and then beat them with bricks.

Daily Mail:

A 21-year-old student in South Africa was raped, stabbed and strangled to death after being abducted in a violent carjacking, police say.

Hannah Cornelius was killed in Stellenbosch, South Africa, after she and her male friend, Cheslin Marsh, who survived the attack, were carjacked by four men on Friday night.

Police chased down two of the suspects who are believed to have taken part in the incident the following day. The men are now facing a series of charges, including rape and murder.

Cornelius and Marsh were chatting in a blue Volkswagen Citi Golf, which had been given to Cornelius by her 91-year-old grandmother, when they were approached by four men.

Marsh was thrown into the boot of the vehicle while Cornelius was forced into the back seat, police said.

The pair’s belongings were stolen before the university students were taken to an undisclosed location and beaten with bricks.

Marsh told police that he only survived by throwing himself over a wall to escape his captors.

South Africa’s constant Black-on-White murders highlight the almost limitless stupidity of Blacks. I mean, if you’re a Black person living in a nation whose food supply and infrastructure are maintained by a dwindling White minority, what’s the one thing you definitely shouldn’t (that’s shouldn’t) do if you wish to stay alive? You got it: kill the remaining Whites.

Alas, these apes are so short-sighted that they’ll happily trade future survival for immediate gratification. Indeed, I doubt the notion of “future survival” even enters their hollow, windswept craniums.

Blacks have truly mastered the art of living in the present.

Here’s video footage of the apes in action:

I know I’m a hateful White Supremacist, so I’m probably expected to say this sort of thing, but I can’t get over the sight of Blacks wearing clothes. It just seems so surreal to me to see these anthropomorphic silverbacks wearing human garments, such as trousers and T-shirts, as though it were normal for them.

Seriously, just look that video. Look at it. Can you honestly tell me that those Blacks don’t look completely out of place as they scamper around roads, gates and walls? They look like animals who’ve escape from the zoo and are running around in a state of perpetual confusion while the zookeeper chases them with an oversized net.

Remind me again: why are Blacks allowed to run amok in our countries?

Oh yeah, Jews.

Rector Professor Wim de Villiers told The South African that the university community was left shocked after the incident.

He said: ‘Our campus community is shocked by this senseless death and our hearts go out to the family and friends of the student who lost her life, as well as the student who was injured.’

Wim de Villiers… Wim de Villiers…

That name sounds awfully familiar…

Ah yes, I remember!

From the Jewish Forward, dated May 11th 2017:

Three South African students were suspended on Thursday on suspicion of putting up Nazi-inspired posters at an elite university, at a time of growing tension in race relations.

Stellenbosch University said the images, which copied Nazi youth movement posters without their swastika flags, contained “highly offensive references to Nazi propaganda and Neo-Nazism” and were in breach of the university’s policies on harassment and discrimination.

“I have decided to suspend the three students suspected of misconduct while disciplinary proceedings are ongoing,” said Wim de Villiers, rector and vice chancellor at the university, who has described the posters as “deliberate mischief-making.”

Yep, the same Boomer professor that suspended students for putting up White Nationalist propaganda around campus a fortnight ago is now pretending to care about a female student who reaped the fruits of the non-discrimination policy he dutifully reinforced.

What a shock.

Wim de Villiers wouldn’t look out of place in a Brooklyn synagogue, but I can’t find solid evidence that he’s Jewish.

I guess there isn’t much more to say about this story except the obvious: that what’s happening in South Africa now is the fate of the remaining White world unless we remove these subhumans from our shores.

If we allow non-Whites to destroy us through murder and miscegenation, Planet Earth will enter a literal and irreversible Dark Age in which raceless mongrels roam the ruins of former White civilizations, upturning the occasional rock in search of grubs to feed their starving bellies.

Is that the future we want?

Imagine a world like this, but much more primitive.