Wisconsin Teacher Does Drag Show for Students During School Hours

Breaking news: male teachers are a bunch of homosexual perverts.

Life Site News:

Students at a suburban Wisconsin high school were subjected to a surprise “drag queen” performance by one of their teachers during the school’s Fine Arts Week, according to a report from Wisconsin-based conservative organization Empower Wisconsin.

Middleton High School French teacher Matthew Kashdan took the stage dressed in a “high-cut, blue sequined dress, red boots, and blond wig, lip-syncing and dancing to ‘Rain on Me’ by pop divas Lady Gaga and Ariana Grande,” the organization reported.

Kashdan is a common Jewish name

The performance, which occurred during school hours, was caught on video and promptly went viral on the internet.

Twitter account Libs of Tik Tok called the display “sickening,” suggesting teachers should focus “on teaching math, science, and history instead of drag.”

According to Empower Wisconsin, the drag show has not been “sitting well with parents who believe public schools aren’t the place for drag queen cotillions.”

In an email addressed to conservative talk show host Vicki McKenna complaining about the performance, one Middleton-Cross Plains Area Schools parent said, “I send my children to school and entrust them to teachers that I have to believe are professionals who won’t destroy their innocence for their own pleasure.”

Shannon Valladolid, the district’s director of information and public relations, wrote in an email response to the conservative organization’s questions that the school’s annual Fine Arts Week “is full of performances that are enjoyed by students and staff alike.”

Valladolid said parent permission is not and has never been required to attend.

It’s a pretty tame story to have it happening at a high school.

Hardly even worth mentioning.