Woman Driver Watch: Based Slut Uses Truck Trailer to Try to Go Orbital

I’m usually appalled by the behavior of stupid bitch drivers, but a 21-year-old female in Georgia has truly impressed me when she saw the opportunity of a truck’s trailer to catch some serious air.

The stupid bitch was driving along the freeway and made the brave decision to launch her car and do a flip in the air.

She flew more than 100 feet before rolling the car on its side.

It’s unclear what the bitch was trying to prove and to whom she was trying to prove it, but I think it’s safe to say, whatever and whoever it was, she succeeded.

Apparently, she survived and is in the hospital.

I hope she gets out soon and continues her stunt career, because videos of people launching their cars into the air and doing stunt flips is something everyone wants to see a lot more of.

I would support “Ultimate Woman Driver” becoming a real sport. That is one sport where they couldn’t be forced out by trannies, because only biological women are capable of this kind of driving.