Woman “Priest” Holds Sermon About How Abortion Made Her Feel Loved by God

This sick broad is a “priest” in the United Church of Christ, a “church” that according to Wikipedia has over 800,000 members.

In the video, she is bragging about how having an abortion made her feel loved by God.

This is not a comedy sketch mocking feminism – this is what happens when you get what you deserve.

Imagine that there’s over 800,000 people who think this is Christianity.

The devil is real.

You cannot see this, and not realize that the devil is real.

He is real and he is in charge.

For now.

For now only.

He knows his time is short.

God said it.

Believe it.

“Great wrath” sounds like an understatement.

It’s time to start praying.

The wheat and the chaff are about to have a vicious divorce.