WSJ Says China Building Military Base on Atlantic Coast of Africa

China should build bases in the Atlantic.

It’s not like the ZOG doesn’t have bases in the Pacific.

China is Antisemitic! Look at how close they put their country to ZOG military bases!

Tell me one more time how China is the aggressor in this conflict, then take your hand out of my pants and stop jerking me off, faggot.


Beijing intends to build its first-ever naval outpost on the Atlantic Ocean, which would allow China to position its warships opposite the West Coast of the US, a media report says.

Beijing wants to set up a military base in Equatorial Guinea, a western African country 28,000 square kilometers (1,0810 square miles) in size and with a population of 1.4 million, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) said, quoting unnamed US officials with knowledge of classified intelligence reports.

China is likely considering building a base in Bata, a city that already has a Chinese-built deep-water commercial port, the report said. The WSJ added that a naval station on the Atlantic could be used to rearm and refit Chinese warships, undoubtedly rattling Washington.

The paper quoted a senior White House official as saying that the US had warned Equatorial Guinea last year that “certain potential steps involving [Chinese] activity there would raise national security concerns.”

China and Equatorial Guinea have not commented on the matter, but Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi held talks with his Equatorial Guinean counterpart Simeon Oyono Esono Angue in Dakar, Senegal late last month.

The United States is a country that supports child trannies. This country has an institutionalized Child Tranny Industrial Complex.

Government schools are literally organizing nationwide to indoctrinate children into becoming trannies without their parents’ knowledge by scheduling tranny indoctrination courses during lunch period.

If you support the US government over literally any government that doesn’t do that, you’re not just stupid, you’re satanic.

At this point, it is obvious that white people are totally unwilling to govern themselves, so if some other race is going to do it, it’s not a hard call for me whether I’d prefer the Chinese over the Jews.

China should build a military base in Mexico if not Florida and/or Utah. They should build a military base in Washington, DC, frankly.

I support tranquil tenderness and joyful family happiness.

I support Sino-Friendship, forever.

I have zero apologies, faggot.