Ye Interview with Jewish Shill Gavin McInnes

Gavin McInnes went to interview Ye and Nick. He attempted to do an “intervention” by shilling the Jews against Ye.

This was a radical and bizarre scene.

Ye was much calmer than he was on the Alex Jones Show. He was still wearing the mask.

Ye was funny and personable and spoke the truth out of love.

Jesus loves everyone.

We have to reduce Jewish control. We need Christian standards.

The problem here is that Jews do not believe in Jesus.

Ye said that the statements about Hitler help his campaign, and I am starting to feel like that’s true.

He also said he doesn’t hate Jews, and he thinks they’re smart, but simply that they shouldn’t be allowed to control everything and should have to work for Christians. “I’d hire a Jew in a second – if I knew they weren’t a spy, and I went through their phone, and I followed them to their house and installed a camera all in their living room.”

“They should not be the people in charge – they’ve had their run,” Ye added.

“Don’t you think Jews have helped you get rich?”, McInnes asked.

He immediately regretted it when Ye answered: “Yeah, and where is that money now?”

After the interview, Gavin had some sort of positive comments, saying that what Ye is doing is “art.”

I don’t know if those are actually positive comments.

It is art – he’s wearing that jacket and a mask. But is it “art” to say that Jews control everything and they abuse us? That’s just true. You can say it in an artistic way – which, if I may say so myself, is something I’m pretty familiar with – but the fact remains that it is an objective truth.

Maybe saying “I love Hitler” is intended to be purposefully incendiary, but the fact is, it’s also an objective truth that there were a lot of good things about Hitler, and it’s true that there were no homicidal gas chambers.

The really gross part about all of this is that McInnes knows about Jews, and he’s just lying on purpose. He said all this stuff about the Jews when he was in Israel. Apparently, he was so irritated by the Israelis, he just went ahead and said it.

He later said he was just joking. But you see the clip. He was tired of the Jews, he’d had some drinks, and he let the mask slip. Those were not jokes.

Frankly, if he really did love the Jews, it would be much less offensive. But he’s out there shilling and lying to people on purpose about the most important issue in the world.

Regardless of the fact that he is a vile shill, McInnes did let Ye talk without doing the same amount of “pushback” that others have tried to do, and it’s an interesting interview.