You Can’t Stop the Truckers. The Truckers Should be in Charge Instead of the Fags.

Banning people from parking trucks in the road is a lot harder than it sounds, actually.

I mean, you can say “it’s against the law to park a truck in the road!” But then, someone can just go ahead and park a truck in the road. You can arrest him for it, but you’ve still got a bunch of trucks parked in the road.

These Freedom Convoys are the greatest thing that’s ever happened since Hitler.

The Guardian:

“Freedom convoys” of motorists that have set off from half a dozen French cities in protest against the country’s coronavirus restrictions will not be allowed to enter Paris, the capital’s police authority has said.

“The stated objective of these demonstrations is to ‘block the capital’ by preventing road traffic from circulating in order to further their demands … from Friday, before moving on to Brussels on Monday,” the authority said.

“Because of the risk to public order, these protests will be banned from 11 to 14 February,” it said, adding the penalties for blocking public roads included two years in prison, a fine of €4,500 and a three-year driving ban.

Convoys of cars, vans and motorbikes left Nice in the south-east, Bayonne in the south-west, Strasbourg in the north-east and Cherbourg in the north-west, among other cities, for Paris on Wednesday and Thursday, inspired by a two-week truckers’ demonstration in Canada.

Canadian drivers protesting against testing and vaccine rules have blockaded the busiest bridge on the country’s border with the US and paralysed the capital, Ottawa. Similar protests have taken place in Australia and New Zealand.

“There will be a special deployment of officers to prevent blockages of major roads, issue tickets and arrest those who contravene this protest ban,” Paris police said, adding that instructions had been given to “act firmly”.

Belgian authorities said they too would ban any convoys from converging on Brussels next week, after a call to protest circulated on social media. “Means are being put in place to prevent the blocking of the Brussels-Capital Region,” said the mayor of the Belgian capital, Philippe Close. Close said federal police would carry out special border controls to stop convoys from entering the country.

Yeah well, then they will just park their trucks on your border and then it will be closed.

Who would have thought that it would be the Canadians that kicked off the revolution?

As of right now, I am 100% in support of just putting a bunch of truck drivers in charge of every Western government. Just replace the entire government with truckers.

And before someone says “oh, they don’t have qualifications” – what qualifications do our current rulers have? Degrees from globalist universities that teach globalism? “Leadership training” from the World Economic Forum? “Prominent international banking institution” on their CVs?

Truckers are actually people who actually work and actually know how to do things and interact with real human beings.

They could do more than just say “everyone gets their freedom back immediately.”

I think a council of truckers could solve the Ukraine situation in an hour or two. They could negotiate fair trade deals with China. They wouldn’t fly into some emotional fit because wiggers are allegedly being forced to play Squid Game.

They would say: “Putin seems like a pretty cool guy, riding horses and hunting and shit, loves Jesus – I like him, let’s stop harassing him.”

They would say: “Those gooks are kinda shady, but don’t they live on the other side of the planet? Can someone bring in a globe? Yeah, see – why are we even having this conversation? Just tell them to stay over on that side and it’s cool.”