You’re Anti-Vax Even If Fully Vaccinated as Long as You Oppose Mandates, Australian Minister Says

The fact is, no one has a right to question the government.

It is white supremacy, racism, anti-vax, white privilege, misogyny, transphobia, and so on.

People need to shut up and do what they’re told.


People who oppose Covid-19 vaccine mandates are “anti-vaxxers,” pure and simple, Northern Territory Chief Minister Michael Gunner said during a heated press conference, noting more positive cases in his state were “expected.”

Gunner made it more than clear during a press conference in which he was asked if his hardline stance on vaccine mandates might have turned some away from getting the jab that anyone who wasn’t 100% for the state’s increasingly draconian vaccination mandates was a true “anti-vaxxer.” Even if they themselves had been vaccinated, he argued, Australians were either with the virus or with the mandates.

If you give a green light, give comfort to, support anybody who argues against the vaccine, you are an anti-vaxxer. Your personal vaccination status is utterly irrelevant,” Gunner declared.

The term ‘anti-vaxxer’, previously used to denote a parent who opposed vaccination for their children, has seen its meaning expanded during the Covid-19 pandemic to include anyone who opposes vaccination for themselves – and now, in the eyes of ardent vaccine supporters, anyone who opposes a mandate, whether or not they themselves have taken the shot.

If you’re out there in any way, shape or form campaigning against the mandate, then you are absolutely anti-vax,” he continued, insisting the state’s vaccination mandate was “absolutely critical” to saving lives. “I will never back away from supporting vaccines, and anyone out there who comes for the mandate, you are anti-vax,” Gunner snarled.

The minister insisted “enforcement, rather than encouragement” was the only way to get vaccination levels to the desired target.

People do not have a choice.

This crisis was created by people having a choice. Now, everyone is dying from a virus.

Rights are all good and well until someone gets the flu, then you have to go into full brutality, and totally remove any pretense of freedom from the peasants.