1488 Nazi Message on Cable Box: “I Literally was Physically Shaking”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 3, 2016


The year of our Lord two-thousand and sixteen continues to be the best year ever.


Charter Spectrum is investigating how someone sent a racist rant through set top boxes to some of its North Texas customers on Tuesday before the cable company quickly deleted it.

“When I first pulled it up I was like ‘what? what?,’” said April Taylor, a new Charter customer. “I was stunned. I couldn’t believe it. I was literally like what? This can’t be real.”

The on-screen message said: “F*** Black Lives Matter! 1488 Brought to you by Phreak of Nature Baby J and King Benji! All N****** Must Die!”

“I literally was physically shaking,” Taylor added. “I just don’t understand why?”


Physically shaking!

This was a Black woman, but a White woman would be shaking just the same.


You see – Blacks are the new Christ. They are the holy, sacred object, and any insult to them is blasphemy.

White have an inborn psychological mechanism for religiousity, and the kikes have redirected it onto these apes and the rest of the politically correct paradigm.

And in the same way Jews killed Christianity, we will kill political correctness: through a sustained campaign of direct, aggressive mockery.

Taylor said she called Charter twice and finally got a call back from a vice-president who told her some other customers also saw the same racist message which prompted the company to quickly delete the message.“We are aware that an abhorrent message briefly appeared on some set top boxes. We apologize profusely to any of our customers who were subjected to it, and we are working to understand the cause,” Charter said in a statement to WFAA.

“Imagine if your kids were sitting in front of the TV and something racist about their race came across?,” added Ms. Taylor while wiping away a tear.

You dumb Black bitch! Something about the racist about the race of White children comes across EVERY SINGLE HOUR!

From sitcoms that portray White men as the dumbest creatures on the planet to the speeches of Obama that paint us as a race of soulless serial killers, to the reporting on Donald Trump as a comic book villain, it’s a deluge of anti-White hatred! That is basically the entire purpose of television!

And you get one jokey nigger-hate message and lose it.

Sorry, Shenequia – my tiny violin fell out the hole in my pocket.


Question: is there any point at which stuff like this will stop being funny?

Of course there is – when they no longer respond with outrage. And that will mean we will have won.

Our path is so clear and direct – we just keep triggering these people into childlike emotional breakdowns, keep laughing like drunken sailors at the brothel on 2-for-1 night, then we win.

So, if anyone tells you we need to “change our tactics,” ignore them aggressively. Our tactics are beautiful. They are working shockingly well, and we know what their end will be.