60,000+ Haitian Caravan Heading Towards US

Now this is how you enrich a culture.

Border Report:

Panama’s Foreign Minister was in Washington, D.C., this week to discuss migration and security issues with U.S. federal officials.

She then went on to tell American news outlets there’s a new wave of 60,000 citizens of Haiti and other countries making their way to the U.S. border.

“We have seen the growing phenomenon of irregular migration and have gained the attention of key actors,” Erika Mouyes said in a statement released by the Foreign Ministry after her meetings with Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, Special Envoy to Northern Triangle countries Ricardo Zuniga and others.

Mouyes told reporters more than 85,000 migrants headed north have passed through Panama since Jan. 1. With some 20,000 having already crossed into the U.S. at Del Rio, Texas, and other places, she said the rest are likely on the way.

U.S. Rep. Tony Gonzales, R-Texas, said Mouyes also met with him and said her country has seen a huge spike in migrants passing through, from 800 a month to 20,000 a month recently. He says she told him some individuals with ties to Al-Qaeda intent on traveling to the United States were apprehended in Panama.

“Minister Mouynes provided incredibly helpful insight into what Panama has been experiencing as a part of this migrant crisis,” said Gonzales, who represents Texas’ 23rd Congressional District, which includes East El Paso County. “I urge the Biden Administration to work with her, as well as her counterparts in other countries, to find a solution to the collective crisis our countries are facing.”

After killing all white people in Haiti, Haitian blacks are coming to America to be recognized as demigods.

Word’s spreading that America worships blacks.

It makes sense to worship blacks when you realize that no other species has figured out how to turn cotton into the most successful country ever.

There is no “you shall not pass” in this timeline.

Prepare for El Futuro Ennegrecido.