Twitter remains psycho overvalued. The only reason the stock wouldn’t collapse by double digits is that some smart money doesn’t really think the Musk deal is off the table.
They are following the age-old wisdom: “Elon doesn’t pull out – after all, he is an African-American.”
It’s a chance to win pretty massively, if the shares are trading at $35 and Elon ends up paying $45.
Shares in social media giant Twitter plunged in premarket trading on Monday after Elon Musk terminated his $44 billion offer to buy the company.
The firm’s stock was down nearly 7% to $34.40 per share, trading well below the $54.20-per-share offer Musk made in April. Twitter is on track to erase nearly $2 billion in market value from last week’s closing price.
On Friday, Musk’s attorney notified Twitter’s board that the billionaire wanted to cancel the takeover. He alleged that Twitter had misrepresented user data, with the number of spam bots on the platform much higher than the company has disclosed.
Twitter responded by saying it had given Musk the information he needed to assess its claim that spam accounts make up only 5% of monetizable daily active users. The company has maintained that its estimates were accurate.
I’ve said that I think Elon is probably engaged in normal negotiations. Twitter is obviously lying about the number of bots. Anyone who has ever used the site and has an IQ higher than 92 knows that about a third of the posting is from bots, and I haven’t read all the numbers, but I would think an even higher percentage of “active user” accounts that read/share/like without commenting are bots.
Pew Research says that 66% of people posting news links are bots. That just makes sense, because it’s a simple act that you want to have automated. But then, what percentage of people liking comments and passively following are bots? There is no ability to figure that out, because if they are not posting, a third party can’t analyze their behavior.
I’ve glanced at several of the independent studies, and none of them are anywhere near Twitter’s claims. It’s a vast chasm. The low-end estimates are 15%, which is still three times Twitter’s claim. And they’re the ones with the ability to analyze the actual metadata of the posting. So they’re just lying.
When I was fighting with people like Jack Posobiec and other “right-wing” astroturf accounts, I did some research into buying followers. It was a while ago so I don’t remember all of the details, and I can’t seem to find the sites I was looking at again, but it was shockingly affordable to buy tens of thousands of followers. There are private forums you have to pay to get on, some of them operating on Tor sites, where you can pay for all kinds of bot activity. Like, I guess it’s just not obvious to people that for example most Amazon product reviews are fake (book reviews are often paid, but that’s a separate story).
Chat bots in the last five years basically pass the Turing Test. The goal posts keep getting moved on that and we’re not really talking about it very much, but some goofy fat guy at Google went on Tucker Carlson saying a chatbot was sentient (which is retarded, but this is a smart person saying it).
The basic Turing Test is basic:
Liberals on Twitter will accuse people who are obviously real people of being “Russian bots,” while they themselves are mobbed up with bot networks spamming coronavirus hysteria or soyfacing at Zelenskyist black propaganda.
“Twitter is only 5% bots” is one of these statements on par with “the vaccine is safe and effective” or “the Ukraine war is about protecting democracy.” It is such an aggressive lie that it is intended to dazzle the victim.
I used to travel to different countries. Everywhere in the world, countries that don’t have a lot of foreigners have endless numbers of people who want to ask you the same questions over and over again: how you like their country and why you are there. I would always just tell everyone that their country is the best country in the world, because it makes them happy. I have no reason not to make people happy if I get the opportunity. On the point of why I am there, I would often tell outrageous lies and see if I could get people to believe them. Like for example, I would tell people that there was a zombie apocalypse in America. You would be shocked at how many people you can get to believe that – and I’m not just talking about Africans or other third worlders who maybe confuse the news with movies. This was of course easier before smart phones, where I could be like “you haven’t seen the news?” But even after smartphones, I would sometimes just pull up photos from The Walking Dead and say it was real. People just don’t expect someone to lie to them like that with a straight face, so the instinct is to believe someone who appears to be telling the truth.
Indians have an uncanny ability to lie with a straight face, which, along with the fact that a certain percentage of them have a relatively high IQ (in global terms), is why they have been so successful in Silicon Valley. We all remember that Vayjayjaya bitch lying directly to the faces of Tim Pool and Joe Rogan without hesitating or flinching.
Then the head of Google, Pajarm Agyagama or something, lied to Congress better than anyone I’ve ever seen lie to Congress. All those body language people did analyses of James Comey lying, and his body language showed he was lying. Indians can lie without tells.