The polls are fake, I’m sure.
Imagine how low his numbers actually are.
President Biden’s approval rating has crashed to just 30%, its lowest mark yet, in a new national poll.
The Civiqs Poll’s daily tracking survey of registered voters found less than a third of Americans giving the thumbs-up to Biden’s on-the-job performance — and a whopping 57% disapproving.
“Joe Biden’s presidency is sinking from a thousand holes in the boat,” said GOP consultant Ryan Girdusky.
The poll, released Friday, found Biden deep underwater with voters in every age bracket, every educational level, and both genders. Every one of those groups showed approval rates under 40%, with the youngest voters, age 18 to 34, among the most dissatisfied at a dismal 21%.
In only two states out of 50, deep-blue Hawaii and Vermont, do Biden’s supporters outnumber his detractors.
Democrats and black voters are the two groups still in the president’s corner, the survey found — and not by much.
Just 56% of African Americans — the Dems’ most loyal voting bloc — signaled their approval, and Democrats overall hit 64%, a new low.
Even more galling, Biden’s 30% overall approval was far below the 39% that Civiqs registered in 2017 as President Donald Trump’s lowest-ever number — and not even in shouting distance of the 44% approval rating Trump notched at the same point in his presidency.
He’s the most hated man in all of American history.
The amazing part is that he was the most popular man in American history – by a lot.
81 million votes.
He’s the 81 Million Man.
Now he’s hated like some kind of diabolical desert cryptid.