AI Says the Perfect Man and Woman Look Like Hitler Youth Posters

Master race, confirmed.

Also, AI is okay, confirmed.

Daily Mail:

The Bulimia Project, an eating disorder awareness group, asked AI to produce the ‘perfect’ male and female bodies, according to what gets most engagement on social media.

Researchers from the organization found that the most desirable women had blonde hair, olive skin, brown eyes, and slim figures, while the ‘perfect’ male had dark, smoldering eyes, chiseled cheekbones and defined muscles.

Most of the AI results appeared to play up outdated standards of beauty – caucasian yet tanned, slim yet muscular, and overwhelmingly blonde – which hints at the tool’s implicit biases.

What the hell does that even mean?

The AI is using public data – information – and giving a response to a query.

The tool doesn’t and can’t have “implicit bias.”

Also: “human beauty” is based on sexuality, which is instinctual, and therefore can’t ever be “outdated.” We are human beings, our instincts are of an animal nature, and sexual attraction is not something you choose.

But of course, the fundamental premise of “Western civilization” AKA “The Great Kike Experiment” is that because God does not exist, humans are malleable and can be made to do anything the rulers want them to do – including thinking fats, blacks, and trannies are more attractive than a fit blonde woman.

Everything about this society is an attack on the order of nature.

Just look at it that way.