All Ivy League Colleges Accept Nigerian-American Woman, She Chooses Harvard

Ashley Adirika

She must be smart if she chose Harvard over Yale.

Maybe she’s the smartest person ever.

I would have chosen Yale.

New York Post:

A Florida teenager, who is a first-generation Nigerian-American, has quite the variety of Ivy League schools to choose from — every one of them.

Ashley Adirika, a debate champ who hopes to help alleviate income inequality, got into Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Penn, Princeton and Yale.

“The tears just started to come out. Like they started to flow out,” she told ABC News about her reaction to finding out.

“My siblings and I were just really excited, like screaming, jumping around. It was crazy.”

The budding scholar, who went to high school at Miami Beach Senior High School, was also accepted to Stanford, Vanderbilt, and Emory.

“I just decided to shoot my shot at all of them and see if it would land — And I had no idea that I would get accepted into all of them,” the 17-year-old student told CNN.

“I remember crying a lot and just being extremely surprised.”

Ashley ended up choosing Harvard, which only accepted a record-low of 3.19% of applications for the class of 2026.

“Before the college application process, Yale was actually my top choice. But when I did further research for what I want to do specifically, which is explorations in policy and social policy and things of that nature, Harvard just had a better program,” Ashley said, adding she wants to study how policies can ameliorate income disparities.

What a goofy country this is.