America First: Donald Trump Ordering the Withdrawal of Many Soldiers from Afghanistan and Iraq

Donald Trump’s White House will order 2,500 troops stationed in Afghanistan and Iraq to come back home by the end of the year, NPR reports.

The big picture: Donald Trump campaigned on ending these “forever wars.” He appears to be trying to make good on his promise in the last months of his first term.

  • Top military officials, who are shills for Jews and weapons companies, had continually advised Trump not to bring the troops home, falsely claiming that it is important to American “national security” that we fight wars against Moslems forever.
  • According to officials, the order reduces the American presence by about a third, from 4,500 to 2,500 in Afghanistan and 3,000 to 2,500 in Iraq.
  • The military says that Afghanistan is in a “fragile state,” and wants the troops to stay there, even while this fragile state was created by American intervention.
  • Army Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Marine Gen. Frank McKenzie, head of U.S. Central Command, have all demanded that Trump leave our troops in these shithole countries.

Go deeper: The President made several shakeups at the Pentagon, allowing for these movements to happen. People at the Pentagon had previously been caught lying to the president about the numbers of troops in the Middle East.

  • Trump appears to be doing this because he plans to remain President of America.
  • If Trump is ousted by the usurper Joe Biden, these troop pullouts will be meaningless, as Biden’s team will immediately move to restart the wars.
  • Biden has surrounded himself with war hawks, including many Jewish neoconservatives from the days of George W. Bush.

Trump had tweeted in October that the troops would be home by Christmas.

This is another fulfilled promise from our great president.