There is a serious backlash mounting against the Jews after they totally shut down Ye, silencing him and interfering with his businesses, causing him to lose two billion dollars in one day.
Jews continue to refer to a backlash against Ye, but everyone can see that the only people backlashing against him are Jewish. Millions of people are agreeing with Ye the fact he was silenced for talking about the Jews proves that Jews have the power he said they have.
Res ipsa loquitur.
The Jews are the ones facing the backlash, and simply continuing to claim that the backlash is against Ye is not doing them any favors.
This is a serious problem for the Jews. Basically, they can no longer claim that they are not controlling everything.
They are trying to formulate some new narrative in order to justify what they have done to Ye by somehow saying it was not their fault.
Sam Harris, who is a supposedly “centrist” atheist Jew, is responding to the anti-Jewish backlash, saying that Ye somehow “canceled himself.” Harris also said that non-Jews were involved in shutting down Ye. That is just obviously ridiculous. Sure, Adidas is not run by the Jews, but Adidas only terminated their deal with Ye after having been absolutely threatened by Jews, particularly Jews from the Anti-Defamation League, who were publicly accusing them of being Nazis.
The Jew even had the nerve to put “cancellation” in quotations, as if this is somehow different from the other shutdowns we’ve seen when people speak out against politically correct dogma.
Whatever his talents as a hiphop artist and fashion designer, Kanye is simply an insufferable jackass. So, anti-Semitism and mental illness aside, his thoughts on most topics are not worth hearing. Unfortunately, he doesn't recognize this. 2/x
— Sam Harris (@SamHarrisOrg) October 26, 2022
Add to this unhappy picture Kanye's recent expressions of crackpot anti-Semitism, and it becomes perfectly rational for creative people and brands to break ties with him. 4/x
— Sam Harris (@SamHarrisOrg) October 26, 2022
Kanye is simply reaping the consequences of saying idiotic and hateful things at scale. The man is cancelling himself—and no one is obligated to lend him a platform from which do this. 6/x
— Sam Harris (@SamHarrisOrg) October 26, 2022
Kanye is in the same spot as Alex Jones (whose “cancellation” had nothing to do with anti-Semitism). Both men demanded everyone’s attention—and got it—and then vomited their lunacy upon an enormous audience. It is only rational to want nothing more to do with them. 8/8
— Sam Harris (@SamHarrisOrg) October 26, 2022
The nerve of this Jew is unbelievable, and I will be very happy to respond to these claims on Twitter next week.
I will be very happy to respond to all of the Jews slandering Our Ye, because he is my leader and I fight for him.