Another Boeing Whistleblower Dies Under Mysterious Circumstances

Is Boeing really murdering whistleblowers?

That seems almost too extreme to believe.

New York Post:

A Boeing whistleblower who raised concerns about one of the carrier’s suppliers ignoring production defects died suddenly on Tuesday — just two months after another employee who sounded the alarm about the embattled company died by alleged suicide.

Joshua Dean, 45, a former quality auditor at Spirit AeroSystems, died Tuesday morning from a fast-growing mystery infection, the Seattle Times reported.

Dean, of Wichita, Kan., had reportedly been in good health until about two weeks ago, when he was admitted to the hospital, the outlet reported.

However, by April 21 he was in “very critical condition,” and had tested positive for influenza B, MRSA, and pneumonia, the outlet said.

He was intubated and put on dialysis before eventually being airlifted to another hospital in Oklahoma City.

A CT scan indicated that he had also suffered a stroke.

This one is actually a lot less suspicious than the first. These seem like basic vax symptoms.

Depending on how you view it, that could also count as Boeing murdering him:

But that’s a bit different than murdering a whistleblower and making it look like suicide.

I don’t know how you give a guy a stroke that leads to extreme infection. Well, I do know how – it’s with a fake vaccine.

Otherwise… it seems unlikely to me.

Maybe the first one was a real suicide. Who knows. It’s possible. It seemed really sketchy to me. But it’s possible.

It’s also possible that Boeing is hiring diversity at the higher levels and some woman or black decided to have a guy whacked. The woman would be like “well then, we’ll have to kill him” and the black would be like “we gone do dat nigga dirty.”