USCP officer Howard Liebengood committed suicide, several sources tell me and @bresreports
— Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) January 10, 2021
I guess he couldn’t live with himself after SELLING OUT OUR COUNTRY, HUH?
I salute him for doing the right thing!
I stand by what I wrote below.
Original article follows.

Oh my golly gee, I’m so sad because I love cops so much.
I back the blue, even when they are traitors defending a usurper who has stolen the presidency through obvious and confirmed fraud, because that’s our values: to be oppressed and demeaned by brutal, lawless enforcers of a criminal regime of satanic pedophiles.
Blue lives matter.
A second U.S. Capitol Police officer has died this week, authorities reported on Sunday.
In a statement issued Sunday morning, U.S. Capitol Police did not link Howard Liebengood’s death while off duty to Wednesday’s deadly insurrection on Capitol Hill.
“The United States Capitol Police is deeply saddened by the off-duty death on January 9, 2021, of Officer Howard Liebengood,” the agency said. “He was assigned to the Senate Division, and has been with the Department since April 2005. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family, friends, and colleagues.”
USCP did not specify the cause of Liebengood’s death. He was 51.
Lawmakers immediately issued statements mourning his passing and called for additional support for the U.S. Capitol Police officers in the wake of Wednesday’s riot that left five people dead and dozens of officers wounded.
“Our officers need more than gratitude,” tweeted Rep. Dean Phillips (D-Minn.). “They need authentic, capable leadership and meaningful support, and I call on my colleagues to join me demanding it immediately.”
So his death wasn’t linked to the events of Wednesday… but it was still probably caused by that. He probably died of a heart attack from thinking about the stress he felt when the white supremacist terrorist leader Baked Alaska joked around on that phone.
He was so brave.
He was just doing his job.
Even if you believe the election was fraudulent, and this officer was defending a criminal regime, he was still innocent.
That’s why the allies refused to prosecute any of the Germans after World War II – they were just following orders and no one can ever be blamed for that.
It’s so sad that Officer Love Good is dead along with Officer Sick Nick.
Officer Love Good’s wife says that he was ironically not very good in bed, but that even though he had a tiny penis, he was really friendly.
It’s also not clear if Love Good’s wife was just confused about racial penis sizes, because she is black.
(Yes, seriously, this dead cop had a black wife. That isn’t a joke and definitely makes me wonder if this isn’t some kind of crisis actor type shenanigans. Seriously – how many white men in America have black wives? Seven? Twelve? What are the chances?)
Liebengood’s black wife just called me and said “I herd u bee da nigga be lubs dem caps, an ah be lyk, dat nigga shud sho be da won be spoke at dat huzben’s funneril, cuz dat muffgugguh be ded as fugg out dat bitch.”
I told her that even though I love the cops more than anything in the universe, because I’m a true conservative and believe in values and principles so hard it makes my eyeballs bleed, I can’t attend the funeral because I’m busy trying to get really good at the original six Megaman games that my friend bought me on Steam.
However, I did agree to call my good friends from a little band called The Time, who agreed to play their hit song at Liebengood’s funeral.
The widow Liebengood was really happy about this, and said to me “I rilly wiss u wuz her wry nao, cuz I bee gon succ dat dick gud, nigga. U be a rill gud nigga, boi.”
It was very touching.
I love cops, and it’s terrible when the MAGA ARMY wipes them out for being traitors who betrayed their oath to defend the Constitution to protect a criminal, usurper, pedophile and satanic regime.