Antisemitism Now the Coolest New Trend at NYC’s Most Prestigious High Schools

It’s just all good news these days, kids.

Bask in it.

The future is already being born. Soon, you will hear it cry for its mother’s breast.

New York Post:

Antisemitic hate is thriving in some of the city’s most elite public high schools.

At Brooklyn Tech, Stuyvesant and Bronx Science — three of the city’s nine specialized high schools — students have been tormented by peers giving Nazi salutes and accusing them of being part of a “genocide” of Palestinians, while school administrators and teachers also spew pro-Palestine propaganda, according to students and evidence obtained by The Post.

How about instead of “Nazi salute” we start calling it the “anti-genocide salute”?

We all understand what it means.

Hitler wouldn’t have let those Jews do this to Gaza.

Last week, Stuyvesant’s business manager Dina Ingram blasted out an email containing an anti-Israel protest guide from a George Soros-funded nonprofit to the entire school community “on behalf of Principal [Seung] Yu.”

The “School’s Out for Palestine toolkit” encouraged students to sign up for the May 31 walkout calling for “an immediate ceasefire in Gaza & an end to U.S. support for Israel’s genocide of Palestinian people.”

You can say “George Soros” as many times as you want, New York Post.

I’m not going to support Israel.

Or denounce Hitler.

The eight-page guide included resources for the youngsters to “prepare for & respond to backlash” and noted they didn’t need their school’s permission to participate.

An hour later, Principal Yu emailed an apology and claimed the materials were “mistakenly included” instead of a letter about the walkout itself.

“We are deeply apologetic about this mistake,” read Yu’s email. “I want to reiterate that we do not endorse the walkouts and protests.”

Yu got the call.

Either that, or within an hour’s time she completely changed her entire worldview.

You can decide which is more probable.

The Department of Education also reiterated that it was a “clerical error.”

Jewish families at Stuyvesant were “disturbed,” one parent said. “There are a lot of upset parents.”

Students at Brooklyn Tech said they have been subjected to antisemitism since even before Oct 7.

One freshman said a teacher told him “Shut up, you Zionist” during a classroom conversation about the Israel-Hamas conflict, during which the 15-year-old was refuting a classmate’s claim that “Israel kills babies.”

“I was taken aback and I just shut up,” he said of the January incident, which “scared” him so much that he stopped letting his Star of David necklace show.

Yeah, well – maybe stop killing babies?

If you don’t want people to complain about you killing babies, maybe, you know, don’t kill babies?
