Arch-Kike Kissinger Calls for US to Support ISIS in Syria and Iraq

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
August 8, 2017

Henry Kissinger, who I thought was long dead, is apparently still shuffling around and meddling with foreign policy.

Ever notice how these super kikes never seem to die? They just wither and waste away, but never croak. Like they are being sustained off the blood of the goyim or something. I seriously think that Vampires could have been based on kikes.

Nosferatu is loaded with anti-Semitic imagery. In the movie, Nosferatu convinces an Anglo-Saxon to invite him to Western Europe where he plans to unleash a plague on the goyim.

Here he is with his wife.

Creepy AF

Anyway, he said something even Jewy-er than usual last week. He makes the case for the US supporting ISIS in the Middle-East.


“In these circumstances, the traditional adage that the enemy of your enemy can be regarded as your friend no longer applies. In the contemporary Middle East, the enemy of your enemy may also be your enemy. The Middle East affects the world by the volatility of its ideologies as much as by its specific actions,” he wrote in an article last week for CapX.

The outside world’s war with ISIS can serve as an illustration. Most non-ISIS powers—including Shia Iran and the leading Sunni states—agree on the need to destroy it. But which entity is supposed to inherit its territory? A coalition of Sunnis? Or a sphere of influence dominated by Iran?

“The answer is elusive because Russia and the Nato countries support opposing factions. If the ISIS territory is occupied by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards or Shia forces trained and directed by it, the result could be a territorial belt reaching from Tehran to Beirut, which could mark the emergence of an Iranian radical empire,” he wrote.

No shit, Sherlock. If you remove the Sunni strongman who kept everything in Iraq together, you open up a vacuum for Shite death squads to fill. And guess what, they’ll be loyal to Iran!

I guess the kikes are going to use this as justification to invade Iran going forward. Because Iran is benefiting from the mess they created in Iraq. Talmudic logic at its finest.

If you don’t know about the role that Kissinger has had in America’s Foreign Policy, you are missing a key component that explains how the world got so fucked up. Books have been written about Kissinger, and the short of the story is that while he was okay on some issues where any goy with common sense would have advised something similar, he was terrible on a lot of other points. Such as ‘decolonization’ in Africa.

The Neocohens clearly thought that the mess they created in Iraq would not be a problem because they fully expected a war with Iran by now. I still don’t understand why they haven’t gotten that war yet. It is definitely in the cards, but they have yet to pull the trigger. Maybe it’s Russia and China that is keeping them in check – for now. Regardless, Kissinger is now trying to retroactively justify the American Deep Throat State’s support of groups like ISIS by explaining how it is necessary to fight Iran and pointing out that Iran poses a bigger threat to Israel than ISIS, who somehow and for some reason never touches the heebs.

Soon we may see the kikes pushing the line that maybe ISIS isn’t so bad, they’re just misunderstood. Really, they are freedom fighters who dindu nuffin and the Iranians/Russians/Alawites are to blame.