Are Conservatives Tiring of the Ukraine Hoax? Media Trends Analysis Says Yes.

Obviously, the Ukraine hoax is still the biggest story in the world.

However, I noticed an interesting pattern this morning.

Here is the top of Fox News.

Everything you ever wanted to know about Will Smith slapping a guy two days ago. Plus more information you didn’t want to know. No Ukraine.

Here’s the top of Breitbart.

Gay stuff, plus my sweet Israel. Some anti-Chinese propaganda and a Will Smith story. No Ukraine.

Here’s the top of Ben Shapiro’s Daily Wire.

January 6, Will Smith, gay stuff, immigration. No Ukraine.

If you go to Google News, which ostensibly has an algorithm to determine the most popular stories, Ukraine is still all over the top. At it’s at the top of CNN, WaPo and NYT, neither of which have Will Smith stories at the top.

No Will Smith.

It’s very, very strange. Generally, these conservative sites have a series of their own agenda stories to promote, but they tend to follow along with the rest of the media for the most part, simply giving a more conservative angle.

Three-day-old tabloid trash covering the top of Fox News is really wild.

I’m not sure what else can be drawn from this other than that conservatives are beginning to react negatively to being bombarded with Ukraine hysteria, so these people are backing off, while the left is getting good results from their audiences, so they’re continuing the push.

We saw the same thing with coronavirus. Initially, conservatives were on board with the hoax, then they slowly backed off. To some of them, they must feel like the Ukraine hoax is deja vu all over again, as it is literally the exact playbook of the virus hoax, focusing on a moral panic and rabid demands that you show your support for something “we are all in together.”

However, I will note the dog that doesn’t bark: there are no anti-Ukraine hoax stories on the conservative sites. There are not even any stories talking about Biden mismanaging the conflict, or causing economic collapse. I am going to watch Sean Hannity tonight, or see if I can get a replay from last night. If he’s backing off after continually calling for Putin to be assassinated by the CIA and for America to bomb Russian bases, then that will really be something.

Of course, the agenda marches on, with or without conservative support.

It was looking like they were riling these people up enough with visions of Red Dawn that they were going to be able to run on a Ukrainian war platform in the midterms, saying Biden isn’t doing the war hard enough. I will tell you: in the first two weeks, I was watching both CNN and Fox News, and while they were both just spamming atrocity hoaxes, Fox (Tucker excluded, of course) was way more extreme in their rhetoric, openly calling for WWIII.

It’s maybe a “good sign” if conservatives are losing faith in this narrative. But I don’t think it really changes anything. While we are celebrating the collapse of the empire on the world stage, these people still have total control over Americans domestically, and can basically do whatever they want to anyone without any consequences.

My argument has been that if they try to get everyone on earth to do everything they want – and they are trying – and fail, the repercussions of that will mean that they will have to scale back their domestic operations against the public, because they simply will not have the resources. Slowly, then, the empire will begin to collapse internally, as various territories stop obeying federal dictates.