Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 7, 2020
People keep saying that we need more high powered people who support white nationalism.
Well, we have many. What we need is for these people to stop acting like wignats and losing their jobs.
There is never a good time to publicly call someone a nigger.
The chief executive of an Arizona company was “relieved of his duties” Wednesday after video surfaced showing him hurling a racial slur at a black Uber driver.
Hans Berglund, CEO of Agroplasma, a fertilizer company based in Tempe, was getting into an Uber driver’s car last Friday when the driver asked him to sit in the back seat rather than in front, according to NBC affiliate KPNX of Phoenix, which obtained the driver’s video of the incident.
When Berglund said he liked to sit in front, the driver, Randy Clarke, said, “I don’t like when people sit in the front. I’m sorry.”
Berglund then said he would order another ride.
“Sounds good,” said Clarke, an Arizona State University student, adding that he would cancel and refund the trip.
But Berglund got in the car and angrily pressed Clarke about why he couldn’t sit in front. “Are you f—ing serious with me?” he said.
When Clarke calmly asked Berglund to leave his car, the CEO refused, asking, “Is that because I’m white?”
“No, sir,” Clarke said, at which point Berglund called Clarke the N-word.
Agroplasma announced Wednesday that Berglund had been relieved of his duties pending an investigation.
“The incident is not at all reflective of Agroplasma’s values and ethics,” the company said.
Uber told KPNX that it would ban Berglund from using its app, saying, “Discrimination has no place on the Uber app or anywhere.”
Hey Uber – how about you ban niggers from being drivers, and then we wouldn’t have this problem?
Why wasn’t the guy allowed to sit in the front?

Who the hell rides in a taxi alone and sits in the back? No one wants to sit in the back seat of a car.
Did the “n-word” nigger driver have permission to ban people from the front seat?
And given the whole obsession with niggers and back seats, was he really out of line to imagine that the nigger’s desire to put him in the back seat was a result of racial animus?
I can pretty well guarantee you that black people are allowed to sit in this nigger’s front seat.
And in a normal reality, it would be fine for a black man to decide that he is only going to allow other blacks in the front seat of his car. However, in that same normal reality, it would be fine for a white man who finds himself a victim of this discrimination to call that black the n-word when he was met with this policy and not lose his job, not be the target of an international news witch hunt.
But no: the rules are, niggers can nigger you over, but if you call that nigger out for being a nigger, you get double-niggered. And these niggers bask in the privileges they’ve been given.
It’s a scam and everyone can see it, and that is why everyone is on edge, seconds away from calling a nigger the n-word at any moment.
But seriously, people: we need you to keep your jobs.
It was probably fine to say “is it because I’m white?” They haven’t really figured out a way to make it a hate crime to suggest that you’re a victim of anti-white prejudice. But you can never say “nigger.”