Barack Obama Calls for Banning the First Amendment to Protect Colored People and Trannies

Barack Obama is the secret weapon the Democrats are planning to use to win the midterms.

That, and massive voter fraud through mail-in ballots.

He’s been campaigning heavily.

He recently appeared at an event for The Atlantic magazine with the Jewish terrorist Jonah Goldberg – sorry, I mean Jeffrey Goldberg. Goldberg runs the National Review, which according to these Jews, is the opposite of The Atlantic. (It’s just a coincidence that both sides of the political spectrum are controlled by Jews who hate America.)

I didn’t watch the whole event, because I don’t care. But Tucker Carlson showed a clip with the very popular colored gentleman Obama saying that free speech has to be outlawed in order to protect the feelings of colored people and trannies.

Speech is violence.

Actual violence?

Well, that is speech.

I was actually on the cover of The Atlantic a few years ago.

They didn’t call for my speech to be outlawed. Instead, they accused me of homosexuality, (heterosexual) pedophilia, sadomasochism, and various other forms of sexual deviancy. Also a drug addict and other things. It was a really bizarre screed that left me feeling confused and amused. No evidence was given; the claims were from “anonymous sources.” Frankly, I never read the entire thing; it is like sixty trillion words long. I just skimmed for the lurid parts. I think the author may have been a serial killer, as the prose was very similar to that of Albert Fish. I spent sometime wondering if this Atlantic writer was going to try to kidnap me and cut off my penis in a barn. However, I think he committed suicide after being fired from the Huffington Post (where he was hired after being fired from The Atlantic), when he realized that learning to code was beyond his scope.

Anyway, the important thing was the cover, which was badass. I have it framed in a plastic thing I keep in my briefcase to show women, who promptly want to have sex with me in public bathrooms.

I of course inform them that this is not viable, because I am an incel.

But the point is – they didn’t even mention that my speech should be illegal, or even talk about anything I say, instead going for the “who knows what he even says but he’s a deranged homosexual” angle.

The narrative has really evolved since 2017. Firstly, I don’t think you can insult someone by accusing them of being a closeted homosexual. Secondly, having a former president outright calling for apparently extremely wide-ranging hate speech laws would have been really wild in 2017.

Or maybe not?

The ADL had a conference in 2016, scheduled the weekend after the election, in which they presented a framework for hate speech laws. They had obviously planned the conference under the impression Hillary was going to win.

Then after Trump ignored them, hundreds of Jewish Community Centers started getting bomb threat prank calls.

Trump was berated by the ADL over these prank calls and blamed for them. I said the calls were obviously being made by Jews, probably working for the ADL, as the ADL was the one shilling it so hard, and they had to have known only Jews would do this. Then Trump said that it was probably Jews making the calls, and they accused him of reading the Daily Stormer and spreading our evil theories.

Then Trump investigated and it was someone in Israel.

The Israelis refused to deport him, then said he was retarded so he couldn’t be punished.

I’m just reminiscing about all of this at this point – what a wacky decade this has been.

Hate speech laws were always in the pipeline, but it seems for the most part that privatizing all public platforms and then claiming that because America is a libertarian country where no corporation can be regulated, the laws would be redundant.

But at this point, Obama might be talking about Tucker Carlson, rather than me or other internet shiposters. He mentions white nationalism, which is what the Jews have been calling Tucker Carlson.

However, ADL chief Jonathan Greenblatt was just on TV to talk about Elon Musk possibly increasing freedom of speech on Twitter, and he said he didn’t want hate speech laws, he just wanted everyone banned from the internet.

So Obama is actually now more extreme than the ADL.