This is really and truly the only way we are going to stop a new generation of people raised by homosexuals from taking over: we have to organize groups of morons to be sperm donors.
A Facebook sperm donor fathered 15 children but never told the mothers he has an inheritable condition that causes learning disabilities.
James MacDougall, 37, fathered children with lesbian women through private donations advertised on social media despite knowing he had incurable Fragile X syndrome, a genetic disorder that leads to low IQ and developmental delay.
MacDougall’s identity came out in a family court battle in Derby, United Kingdom, after he applied for parental responsibility and child arrangement orders for four of his children — even though he originally signed an agreement saying he didn’t want contact with some of his children.
The mothers of the children were opposed to the applications.
Derby Court Judge Justice Nathalie Lieven named MacDougall to stop other women from using him as a sperm donor and ruled he should not have any responsibility for the children as it would cause them harm.
The judge also forbade MacDougall from applying for a court order for the next three years due to his lack of insight into his conduct and because it would traumatize the mothers.
The court heard from one woman only identified as SW, 25, who got into contact with MacDougall after seeing his advertisement. Her children are now 3 and 2 years old.
SW’s 3-year-old child is nonverbal and has challenging behavior due to Fragile X syndrome.
After giving birth, SW contacted MacDougall, who visited often, according to the Mirror. She became pregnant with her second child while MacDougall lived at her home during the COVID-19 lockdown until she asked him to leave in June 2020.
SW claimed he made sexual comments toward her and showered with the baby at least twice. He was arrested in June 2020 for attacking her.
In a different court, MacDougall won a case allowing him to have regular contact with a boy he fathered who was born in July 2018.
Daily Mail has a longer article on this – he fathered 15 kids with these lesbians.
Here’s the money quote:
Mrs Justice Lieven found that MacDougall was a complex person, with learning difficulties and on the autistic spectrum, with fixed views, concrete thinking and a profound lack of insight.
Now that’s what I call a REAL Bronze Age mindset!
Hate the game, bitches. You got felted by the Green Power Ranger.