Biden Calls for Ban on 9mm Ammo

The terroristic fake American President Joe Brandon has called for a ban on 9mm ammunition, saying that the First Amendment is not absolute.

Biden claimed that you can “blow the lung out of the body” with a 9mm pistol, suggesting that people only be allowed to use .22 handguns.


He was definitely talking about handguns – not like, pistol-caliber carbines or something. He’s now classifying normal handguns as “weapons of war” that need to be banned and are not protected by the Second Amendment. So… that escalated quickly.

When I first saw the headline, I thought it was another of these senior moments we’re all so familiar with because they happen every day. But speaking in the above clip, he seems pretty lucid.

“No Amendment is absolute” has been a talking point for some time. There are several Amendments after the first 10 which I wish were “not absolute” which someone needs to ask Joe about.

Of course, the Second Amendment has been under fire for a long time, and we are only going to have our Constitutional gun rights back after the appeal of the National Firearms Act of 1936. You’ll notice that fat gurgling and blubbering slob Ted Cruz never calls for that.

Cruz wants an expansion of NICS, which means that he also doesn’t believe the Second Amendment is absolute. So much for his much ballyhooed “Constitutional scholarship.”