Bill Clinton Admits Moslems Come to Force Their Beliefs on Us

Daily Stormer
January 18, 2015

The former President and current rat Bill Clinton appeared on “Late Night with Seth Meyers” this week and shockingly admitted that Moslems push “the world’s greatest double standard” and try to come to our countries and force their beliefs on us.

Though he kinda slipped it in there, it is clear and obvious what this means: the former President is a racist, and must be stripped of all dignity and shunned by all civil society for committing the crime of making this little comment which can be taken out of context to make him look like he doesn’t appreciate and love the primitive and barbaric culture and value system of Islam.

Clinton also claimed that more “moderate Moslems” need to speak out against killing people insulting the Prophet, but the problem is that they’re too busy rioting against cartoons to speak out.

As we showed yesterday, Muhammed himself would have approved of murdering people over these cartoons.