Bill Gates Mocks Elon Musk, Says He’s Better Than Him

Why would anyone want to go to Mars?

Can you even imagine how boring it would be?


Billionaire Microsoft founder Bill Gates said he’d rather spend his cash on vaccines than visiting Mars, and claimed he’d leave the task of conquering space to fellow tech giants like SpaceX’s Elon Musk and Amazon’s Jeff Bezos.

Gates complained big-time Earth entrepreneurs weren’t doing enough to fix “the hard stuff: steel, cement, meat” on Earth while instead pouring their resources into “the electricity, passenger cars” and showier developments, particularly in the realm of space travel.

“Sadly, the things people think about – the electricity, passenger cars – are a third of the problem. So we have to work on the two-thirds,” Gates continued, adding that “if all you pay attention to is those short-term metrics, not the green premiums across the board, then you miss out on what is the longest lead time, which is the hard stuff.”

“I’m not going to pay a lot of money [to go to space in a rocket] because my foundation can buy measles vaccines and save a life for $1,000,” the billionaire explained. Admitting he was “not a Mars person,” he told Sway podcast host Kara Swisher that he did not “think rockets are the solution” on Tuesday.

While acknowledging that “underestimating Elon [Musk] is not a good idea” and “what Elon did with Tesla is one of the greatest contributions to climate change anyone’s ever made,” Gates reiterated that his work was firmly earthbound. “Anything I do, I always think, OK, I could spend that $1,000 buying measles vaccine.”

While he praised the efforts of Tesla and its ilk in working on the “easy stuff,” he lamented more companies weren’t rolling up their sleeves to get involved in reversing climate change. He recently released a book titled “How to Avoid a Climate Disaster,” proposing a number of ‘solutions’ in which he has invested a considerable amount of money including “synthetic beef.”

I don’t know if this “beef” – PUN INTENDED – between Musk and Gates is staged or not. But if it’s not, it is meaningless.

Elon has already shown he has no spine.

He knows what’s going on. He knows that Bill Gates is faking this entire thing as part of some lunatic scheme.

Related: Elon Musk Appears on Joe Rogan, Says All the Stuff Anglin Says About Coronavirus Hoax

But he won’t do anything.

So Gates can pick and poke him. It’s real or it’s fake. He’s not gonna do anything.

Because in the end, they’re both bizarre cultists who plan to use genetic engineering and robotics to live forever.

You can see the whole story in the first two or so hours of this 4-and-a-half hour documentary:

(This is a few years old, by the way – some of the stuff the narrator says is coming is already here.)