Birth Control Pills Cause Cancer But They’re Safe and Effective

A woman hates nothing more than her own children.

They do not give her money, status, or excitement. It’s not even appropriate for her to have sex with them.

Children a truly a curse on women.

That is why women will do anything – take any risk – to prevent being straddled with babies AKA “little buzzkillers.”

Women will even take pills that everyone knows give you cancer.

The Guardian:

All types of hormonal contraceptives carry a small increased risk of breast cancer, according to research establishing a link with progestogen pills for the first time.

The use of progestogen is associated with a 20-30% higher risk of breast cancer, data analysis by University of Oxford researchers has established. This builds on previous work showing that use of the combined contraceptive pill, which contains oestrogen and progestogen, is associated with a small increase in the risk of developing breast cancer that declines after stopping taking it.

Claire Knight of Cancer Research UK, which funded the study, said the risk was small and should not discourage most people from taking the pill.

The research, which was published in PLOS Medicine, is based on data from 9,498 women who developed invasive breast cancer between ages 20 to 49, and 18,171 closely matched women without breast cancer.

The scientists found that 44% of women with breast cancer and 39% of women without breast cancer had a prescription for a hormonal contraceptive an average of three years before diagnosis, about half of whom were last prescribed a progestogen-only contraceptive.

It’s bizarre to me that this is being presented as some kind of revelation. Andrew Anglin has been saying for ten years on this very website you are presently reading that birth control pills cause breast cancer. He’s also been saying they cause cervical cancer, and that HPV does not even exist.

That last thing might be a revelation – if they announced that actually, HPV is a hoax designed to stop people from having unprotected sex (babies) and to cover for birth control pills (the real culprit), it would be very interesting.

But both breast and cervical cancer are listed as being caused by birth control pills on Technically, they use the language “increase the risk of” rather than “cause,” but that is literally the same thing. No one says “smoking increases the risk of lung cancer.” The warning on the label says “smoking causes cancer” (this is also more or less a hoax, but that’s a topic for another time).

I refuse to believe that every person on earth is not aware of this. It’s very obvious that messing with your endocrine system causes cancer. All of these retards taking the tranny drugs would get cancer too eventually (but they won’t live long enough to die of cancer, heh).

All this having been said: cancer is the least of your problems if you’re a slut on “the pill.” This drug messes with the basic biological function, and throws every system into disarray. These women literally reverse their sexual attraction mechanism, and start developing a masculine view of sex partners as dependents.

Women on the pill become attracted to objectively unattractive, non-masculine men.

There are a number of different things you could say about that, obviously – and we’ve said a lot of those things here at Hoax Watch. Sorry, I mean here at the Daily Stormer.

However: just think about how fundamentally you have to have been changed internally for your sexual attraction mechanism to change.

This is an extreme change, and I don’t think anyone can argue that these are things people should be messing with – especially when there is no medical need, and you’re doing it because you want to have promiscuous sex without getting pregnant.


There is a very easy way to not get pregnant: don’t have sex. We have only one example in all of human history where a woman got pregnant without having sex. It is a tried and true method.

Beyond that: women can only get pregnant within a 72-hour window every month. So, I mean – they could just not have sex during that period. But of course, that period is when they are in heat, i.e., it’s when they want to have sex.

This just demonstrates how utterly irresponsible women are when they are allowed to make their own choices – “I want to have sex with anyone I feel like having sex with whenever I want, and also do everything else I want to do whenever I feel like it, but I want there to never be any consequences to anything I do because nothing is my fault and I shouldn’t be responsible for anything.”

Women will divorce their husbands and then claim it is someone else’s fault that their children resent them. They will cheat on men and blame the victim for “not understanding me.” They are totally incapable of grasping the idea they could ever be responsible for anything, and therefore, they are incapable of both feeling guilt and engaging in self-reflection.

This is why enfranchising women was such a bizarre and destructive course of action.  You can’t give rights to “people” who are totally incapable of understanding the concept of personal responsibility.

The single most absurd thing about modern society is that men have been convinced that women think the same as men. In no small part this is due to men writing female characters in fiction, and giving them such traits as the ability to feel guilt and to engage in self-reflection.

However, the bigger part of the problem is that in a system with liberated women, women completely manipulate the dynamics of the social order and create a situation where men’s survival is dependent on securing the approval of women. For this reason, men idealize women, as it is the only way to manage the cognitive dissonance of being forced to serve them.

Andrew Anglin wrote basically this entire article.