Black Man Starts Crying on TV Because He was Forced to Live in Rat Infested Baltimore!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 28, 2019

No one should have to live in Baltimore.

It’s very sad.

New York Post:

A CNN anchor got choked up on air Saturday after President Trump ripped Rep. Elijah Cummings and the city, calling it “a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess.”

“Donald Trump has tweeted more than 43,000 times. He’s insulted thousands of people, many different types of people. But when he tweets about infestation, it’s about black and brown people,” Victor Blackwell said.

“The president says about Congressman Cummings’ district that no human would want to live there,” Blackwell continued.

“You know who did, Mr. President? I did, from the day I was brought home from the hospital to the day I left for college, and a lot of people I care about still do.”

I think it’s funny that these people are going nuts. But I’m not actually even sure if these racist tweets were all that racist.

Trump really needs to clarify this thing about Baltimore, and why it is so disgusting.

Something like “those people in Baltimore should go back to Africa” would be good. Just to make sure we’re all clear on what we’re talking about here.

But actually, what I’ve heard is that Elijah Cummings is just waiting for someone to tell him to return to Africa so he can reveal his true identity.

Would anyone be surprised if Trump told Elijah Cummings to return to Africa and he said “I’ve been waiting for you to say that” and took off in a flying pyramid?

That would really prove what a dumb stupid orange racist Donald Trump actually is.