Blacks Take to Twitter to Encourage Other Blacks to Riot and Loot in White Neighborhoods

Daily Stormer
August 12, 2014

Black people have been rioting and burning down their own neighborhoods in St. Louis.  Clearly, this is totally illogical.  What they should be doing is burning down and looting White neighborhoods.

riot in white neighborhoodsScreen-Shot-2014-08-11-at-9.23.04-AMScreen-Shot-2014-08-11-at-9.23.09-AMScreen-Shot-2014-08-11-at-9.26.05-AM

Can you imagine if Whites were on Twitter saying we should burn down Black neighborhoods?

Why do these Blacks even want to burn down our neighborhoods?  What did we do to them?

Do we need any more proof that we are already in a race war?  These people want to kill us.