Border Patrol Stops 70 Unauthorized Tourists Crossing the Border in a Truck

Pomidor Quixote
Daily Stormer
December 19, 2019

Now that Donald Trump has been impeached, the Border Patrol should stop stopping illegal aliens from doing illegal alien stuff at the border.

Daily Mail:

Border Patrol agents operating a roadside inspection site rescued a group of migrants from Central America and Mexico that were hidden inside a tractor trailer.

The shocking incident occurred when the truck approached the commercial checkpoint lane Monday in Laredo, Texas.

Upon opening the trailer door, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers found more than 70 people, including children, sitting inside next to each other in at least three rows.

Whenever incidents like this one are reported, try to picture all of the similar ones that aren’t.

Picture all of these primitive-skinned invaders successfully entering America and making it a little bit more like their shithole countries of origin every time.

The migrants, citizens of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Mexico, were each wearing over-sized white t-shirts marked with letters written in black ink.

In a statement, the CBP said the black marked shirts appeared ‘to assist the trafficking organization in classifying/identifying the individuals within the group, a similar methodology used to classify cargo and commodities.’

The lorry’s driver, a citizen of the United States, and the undocumented immigrants were all placed under arrest, pending an investigation.

It would be nice if these invaders could just be kicked out instead of being placed under arrest.

The whole point of stopping the truck from smuggling them is that we don’t want them to enter America, so why do we have to place them under arrest in America?

Why can’t we just close the door and tell them to go away?

Oh, right.

There is no door and no wall, and the man who promised to build those is getting distracted with dumb impeachment politics and who knows what else.

If democracy wasn’t a scam, the fact that Trump got elected after promising to build a wall would be enough reason to build the wall — with Trump or not — no matter who stands in the way.