Brandon Gives Slightly Muted Omicron Doom Speech

The Science has already stated pretty straightforwardly that the vaccine doesn’t stop the Omicron variant.

But Brandon is telling people to travel anyway.

Yahoo! News:

As the heavily mutated Omicron variant continues to tear across the United States faster than any previous strain of the coronavirus, President Biden outlined new measures Tuesday to attempt to minimize its toll by expanding government testing sites, distributing a half-billion free at-home tests and deploying more federal health resources to overburdened hospitals.

“We should all be concerned about Omicron, but not panicked,” Biden said in an afternoon address delivered from the White House.

Biden said that vaccinated Americans should feel comfortable celebrating Christmas and the holidays as planned.

“I know some Americans are wondering if you can safely celebrate the holiday with family and friends,” he continued. “The answer is, ‘Yes you can,’ if you and those you celebrate with are vaccinated.”

But the president also issued a stark warning to those who remain unvaccinated.

“If you’re not fully vaccinated, you have good reason to be concerned,” Biden said. “You’re at a high risk of getting sick, and if you get sick, you’re likely to spread it to others, including friends and family. And the unvaccinated have a significantly higher risk of ending up in the hospital—or even dying.”

This is exactly what we all expected: they are encouraging people to travel for Christmas, then they are going to victim-blame, and claim that all of these Christmas travelers spread the deadly Omicron variant and the only solution is apocalyptic lockdowns.

It’s just so tiresome how predictable it all is.

It’s all just a script. Period. They write it and then they play it out in acts.

I would trust Joe Biden’s lies a lot more if he wasn’t such an obvious deep fake.

No I wouldn’t.