Frankly, this is kind of a chad move.
On some level, you can’t help but appreciate the Biden Administration’s “let the peasants rot while we dance” attitude.
You can’t really say that the American population, of all people, don’t deserve this.
President Biden threw an “inflation reduction” party Tuesday — even as inflation hit a worse-than-expected 8.3%, the stock market tumbled and stubbornly high prices for food and housing continue to slam American households.
Biden, 79, had classic folk rocker James Taylor kick off the White House South Lawn bash with his 1970 hit “Fire and Rain” — a song reportedly about suicide and heroin addiction — to belatedly celebrate passage of his Inflation Reduction Act spending bill.
The song is most definitely about addiction and death. No one wonders about that.
Although he is no Jackson Browne, I actually love James Taylor. But he has so many hits, you could do like 10 songs that are not about heroin addiction and death. What about “Sunny Skies”?
That would have worked a lot better for a celebration of ending inflation, if that’s what you were actually celebrating – right?
I think they are mocking the fact that people are dying from drugs as they party.
Which, again, frankly – chad move.
But Biden, who hailed the 74-year-old Taylor as “a voice that heals our soul and unites a nation,” failed to mention the market rout sparked by the dismal Labor Department’s Consumer Price Index released earlier Thursday.
The disappointing monthly report showed inflation continued to remain near record-high levels in August – despite a continued demand-driven decline in the cost of gasoline.
Cheaper gas was offset by steep 12-month jumps in the cost of food (up 13.5%), electricity (15.8%), rent (6.8%) and health insurance (24.3%).
The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 4% Tuesday, or nearly 1,300 points — and CNN cut away from the presidential speech to focus on the dramatic stock stumble.
Electricity ⬆️ 15.8%
Meat ⬆️ 8.8%
Eggs ⬆️ 39.8%
Baby food ⬆️12.6%
Fuel oil ⬆️68.8%
Gas ⬆️ 25.6%The President:
— Americans for Prosperity (@AFPhq) September 13, 2022
Well, that’s what these people think of you.
Still, Biden claimed to party guests that his recently passed spending bill would “help reduce inflation at the kitchen table” — plugging its nearly $400 billion in environmental spending, including tax credits of up to $7,500 to buy electric vehicles and subsidies for home energy efficiency, and roughly $64 billion to extend generous COVID-19-era Obamacare subsidies.
Republicans immediately attacked Biden as “out of touch” for hosting a celebration for the environmental and healthcare spending bill — noting that inflation remained at its highest level since the early 1980s.
“You can’t make it up: Hours after this terrible inflation report, the White House is hosting an ‘inflation reduction’ celebration,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) tweeted. “Democrats have spent our economy into disaster and now they’re partying while families pay. They could not look more out of touch if they tried.”
Yeah, okay, sure, Mitch.
And what did you do?
You put Joe Biden in power.

No one thought that election was real, but Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, and the rest of that disreputable gang of hooligans went along with the hoax, and forced it on the public. Now they want to whine, like “who could have known Joe Biden would be a bad president???”
But Americans will just sit and take it, so do they really deserve anything better than this?
I’m sure some people disagree, but Americans are going along with child trannies, so I just frankly don’t have any more sympathy for Americans, and think it’s funny when Brandon mocks the collapse of their economy and their deaths from drugs and suicide.