Brandon Lashes Out Against the Irish, Falsely Claims to be Italian

It’s really an exercise in futility to keep saying “look at this funny senile moment from that guy Brandon.”

But hey – it is funny.

Making a totally senile oaf the “most powerful man in the world” is actually one of the funniest trolls we’ve seen from anyone.

In his latest “gaffe,” Brandon said “I might be Irish, but I’m not stupid.” He then went on to claim that marrying an Italian woman made him Italian, apparently implying that sex changes a person’s genetics.

Conservatives on the internet, who might well be even dumber than Brandon himself, are claiming that Jill’s father was not Italian and not named Giacoppo.

In fact, that was his name before he changed it to “Jacobs.” Italians in New Jersey, where Jill is from, often changed their last names to Jew last names in order to receive benefits from the Jews.

Italians are more likely than anyone to pass for Jewish, but it is more about just having a Jewish name appear on paperwork. It makes it much easier to get permits and whatever else.

The Irish did this as well. For example, Tim Roth, the actor famous for Quentin Tarantino films who is currently starring in some of these horrible Marvel productions, is not Jewish. His father was Irish, named Smith. Living in Brooklyn, his father decided it would be beneficial to change his name to Roth. Asked about why his father decided to pretend to be Jewish, Roth has claimed he was showing solidarity against the Holocaust. I don’t know how anyone could buy that claim, but there it is.

I have often asked: “if Jews are oppressed, why do you have an entire industry of people pretending to be Jewish for economic benefit?”

No one has ever answered me.

No one is ever changing their name to an Irish name to show solidarity with the potato famine. I can tell you that much.