Brandon Says He is Going to Ban “Assault Weapons”

That guy Brandon is saying again he can take your guns if he wants to take your guns.

On Wednesday, he vowed to secure a new assault weapons ban, arguing that it would be easy to do, because there was an assault weapons ban in the 1990s that expired in 2004.

“We did it before,” Brandon smugly declared, speaking at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Washington. “We did it, and guess what? It worked … We can do it again.”

It worked to do what? What does that even mean, “it worked”?

Everyone still had their guns, it was just difficult to buy more of a certain type of gun. It definitely didn’t “work” to slow the endless stream of black-on-black murders, which make up virtually all gun-related deaths in this country.

Brandon admitted as much, yet again saying “guns are now the number one killer of children in America.” Almost every one of those children is black.

But when a black man comes out and offers a Christian message to the people – a message which could actually solve the gun violence problem among the blacks – he gets silenced as an “anti-Semite.”

Nothing these people say is serious.

No one actually thinks that a gun is evil.

These Democrats obviously don’t think that.

This is a political agenda.

They want a situation where only the cops have guns, so they can totally destroy you.

That said… it’s not really that big of a deal. These guns that everyone is stockpiling are not protecting them from having their kids kidnapped and turned into trannies, and on the whole, it seems like the guns give people a false sense of security.