Brandon’s Approval Rating Now Below 40% on RCP Average

Jim Brandon’s approval rating is now officially below 40% on the RCP polling average.

And remember – these polls are skewed. It is obviously impossible that 40% of people approve of Joe Brandon.

Who would these people be?

I guess “unmarried white women,” but even they have to be getting tired of the food and gas prices. Even if they love the virus hoax.

It truly is like a Greek tragedy, that Brandon was elected with the most votes of anyone ever in history – he was literally the single most popular person who ever lived on the entire earth – and now he is quite possibly the most hated.

This is in contrast to Vladimir Putin, who continues to maintain ratings in the high 80s, while Xi Jinping keeps his numbers in the mid-90s.

No wonder Brandon is trying to start wars with Russia and China.

This is like that time Jerry Lee Lewis tried to kill Elvis Presley.

Jerry Lee is about as honest in that interview as Ned Price is when talking about the Russian threat.

All the cops said Jerry Lee was waving his gun around saying he was gonna kill Elvis.

The difference here is that if Jerry Lee would have actually killed Elvis, it probably would have been good for his career. I think if Joe Biden manages to overthrow the governments of Russia and China, he will not actually improve his approval rating.