They started censoring Bolsonaro to avoid being banned
We keep telling you people that Telegram is not going to hold up as a free speech platform. Maybe they want to do that, who knows. I’m sure they’ve made a lot of money by being less censored than the rest of social media.
But the actual CEO, Pavel Durov, said that he would censor people if he was threatened with being banned from Google and Apple stores.
This is the latest instance of them bowing to pressure.
Brazil has lifted its ban on Telegram after the country’s Supreme Court blocked the messaging app on Friday for failing to comply with court orders, according to a report from The New York Times.
The court walked back on its ban after Telegram made several changes to help keep misinformation at bay in the country, which includes removing classified information shared by Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro and deleting accounts belonging to Allan dos Santos, an activist and Bolsonaro supporter accused of spreading disinformation.
In addition, Telegram made promises to label posts that contain false information and promote those with factual information. It will also have its employees keep a watchful eye on Brazil’s 100 most popular channels, the NYT reports.
With over 1.1 million subscribers on the platform, Telegram has become a favored channel of communication for Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, who’s currently under investigation for leaking police documents and has been accused of spreading false information in the past.
Supreme Court Judge Alexandre de Moraes, an opponent of President Bolsonaro, ordered the ban on the app, which wound up lasting just two days.
Pavel Durov said he didn’t censor Bolsonaro – the country’s president – because they were checking the wrong email box and didn’t see the demands.
That’s a pretty crappy explanation, but okay.
No doubt they were in talks with board members about the implications of censoring an elected head of state.
Twitter-Facebook-Google had actually been waiting for an excuse to ban Donald Trump.
But yeah – Telegram is going to ban all of you people over the next year or so.
I hope you didn’t use your real phone number and then post a bunch of illegal thoughts and emotions.