Brazil to Do the January 6 Circus Thing to Bolsonaro

Brazil even had their own QAnon Shaman. Seriously, this isn’t a parody or whatever. The Brazilian march on the Capitol was a cosplay of January 6.

Previously: Bolsonaro Supporters Storm the Capitol, Try to Rape Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez!

Brazil just copies the United States.

Their president was a Trump copy, then their leftists did an election hoax copy, then their president did a Trump copy and surrendered after having won, then the right wingers did a January 6 copy.

Now, of course, their coup government is doing a January 6 Committee copy.


Brazil’s Supreme Court has agreed to investigate whether former president Jair Bolsonaro incited the far-right mob that ransacked the country’s Congress, top court and presidential offices, a swift escalation in the probe that shows the ex-leader could face legal consequences for an extremist movement he helped build.

Justice Alexandre de Moraes granted a request from the prosecutor general’s office to include Bolsonaro in the wider investigation, citing a video the former president posted on Facebook two days after the riot. It claimed Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva wasn’t voted into office, but rather was chosen by the Supreme Court and Brazil’s electoral authority.

Although Bolsonaro posted the video after the riot and deleted it in the morning, prosecutors argued its content was sufficient to justify investigating his conduct beforehand.

Otherwise, Bolsonaro has refrained from commenting on the election since his Oct. 30 defeat. He repeatedly stoked doubt about the reliability of the electronic voting system in the run-up to the vote, filed a request afterward to annul millions of ballots cast using the machines and never conceded.

None of the ex-president’s claims were proved, and the results of the election were recognized as legal by different politicians, including some Bolsonaro allies, and several foreign governments.

Yeah, we all remember that part too. Bibi congratulated Joe Biden before Biden even claimed victory.

Biden did the same thing to Lula.

Bolsonaro even came out and condemned the “violence” (there wasn’t any violence). Just like Trump.

Following the justice’s decision late Friday, Bolsonaro’s lawyer Frederick Wassef said in a statement that the former president “vehemently repudiates the acts of vandalism and destruction” from Jan. 8, but blamed supposed “infiltrators” of the protest — something his far-right backers have also claimed.

The statement also said Bolsonaro “never had any relationship or participation with these spontaneous social movements.”

It’s pretty shameful.

Bolsonaro was talking about people going out in the street with guns. But it was obvious as soon as the election fraud happened that he wasn’t going to do anything. If he was going to tell people to go out with guns, he would have done it immediately. The longer a usurper holds office, the more credibility they have.

We need better leaders, folks.

These people do not have spines.